Chapter Twenty-Four: The Honeymoon

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Iker smiled as he woke up next to Faith, he felt relaxed and he knew that no one would be disturbing them for two weeks; Iker looked at his sleeping mate knowing that this was the only break that they would get.

Iker pressed a kiss to the top of Faith’s head, he didn’t wish to wake her and he hoped that it wouldn’t be long before they discovered if she was pregnant or not.

Iker carefully climbed out of bed, he didn’t wish to wake Faith up since she looked so peaceful; it had only a couple of days since their mating ceremony so it was too early to tell.

Faith’s life was never going to be the same again, she was now the clan alpha female and Iker was sure that she would be perfect for the role; she wasn’t like any of the other women that he knew.

Faith moved in her sleep making Iker smile as he watched her, he hated that he had to get up but someone needed to check on Oliver; he was sure that Faith would be fine for a couple of moments.

Iker quietly left the bedroom, he had no plans right now to move his family from his apartment to the house that he had built.

It was prepared ready for them but Iker wanted to make sure that everything was okay before they moved; by then he hoped to find out if Faith was expecting.

Iker ran a hand through his hair, he was excited about the thought that he was going to be a father; he was already territorial when it came to Faith and Oliver, it would only get worse if his mate was pregnant.

Any puppies that were conceived during their two week honeymoon would be born early the next year; it would be a time of celebration for the clan.


Oliver clapped his hands as he was settled into his high chair, Iker had become his father and the little boy would never learn the truth that he wasn’t.

Damien wasn’t going back and Iker was sure that Sara would soon give him his own children; he had already heard whispers that she was expecting.

“You should have woke me,” Faith said stepping out of the bedroom and wrapping her pink mid-length dressing gown around her; she wasn’t even surprised that Iker hadn’t done so.

Iker chuckled as he moved to prepare some food for them, he was just enjoying his time off and he didn’t know when he would get to treat Faith and Oliver like this again.

“How are you feeling?” Iker asked looking at his mate, he loved that Faith was so relaxed and he was excited to see signs of pregnancy in her.

Faith shook her head, she pressed a kiss to his lips before she moved to get Oliver’s food ready; she loved her mate and she was a little nervous about what would happen when she discovered that she was pregnant.

“How’s my boy,” Faith fussed picking Oliver up, he was starting to teeth and she felt bad for him; she doubted that it was easy for him but she was glad that he was getting his teeth.

Iker watched them for a moment, he had a good feeling about his mate and he hoped that he was right; he loved the idea of announcing that she was pregnant when they returned to the council after their break.

“I’m making scrambled eggs on toasted bagel would you like some?” Iker asked as Faith set Oliver back down, they had some pureed food for the little boy to eat along with his bottle of milk.

Oliver fussed about being set down, he didn’t like being put down and he wanted his mother’s attention; he babbled making Faith smile as she moved to make him so breakfast.


“When do you think we’ll find out if you’re pregnant?” Iker asked sitting on the floor with Oliver, he loved playing with his son and he lay back on the floor so he could look at Faith.

Iker was excited about having more pups, he wanted another two or three with Faith and the home that he had set up could be expanded if they had more; it wouldn’t be long before he moved his family there.

“I don’t know… I don’t feel pregnant but it’s only been two days,” Faith said shaking her head, she was sure that she would know by the end of the week; she had known that quickly when she was expecting Oliver.

Iker nodded his head, there wouldn’t be any signs yet but he had a good feeling that she was; he didn’t care that his parents weren’t going to be happy about it.

Carmen had been upset when she hadn’t been invited to his mating ceremony, she had wanted to see her son’s big day even if she did dislike Faith.

“I was thinking… before Christmas that we move to the house,” Iker said softly, he watched Faith curious about how she would react; he wasn’t going to keep his family at the apartment when he had worked so hard on the house.

Faith nodded her head, she hadn’t seen the house that Iker had built with his bare hands and it made her nervous; she was sure that she would love the home because he had built it for them and no one else.

“Okay,” Faith said smiling, the apartment was going to become cramped when she had Iker’s pups; it wasn’t big enough for their growing family.

Iker grinned sitting up, he put Oliver on his lap wondering how much Faith and Oliver would love their future home; he had planned so much for them and he had even added a room for Oliver after learning of him.

Faith watched Iker with Oliver, she loved how he had taken Oliver under his wing as his own; it hadn’t been easy but things were slowly coming together for Faith, she was so happy right now.


Sara took a deep breath resting a hand on her flat stomach, she frowned looking around her new home; she couldn’t believe how far she had fallen.

Damien wasn’t the man that she had hoped for and now some untouchable was living her life in Madrid with Iker; she had never thought this could happen.

“I’m a little hungry,” Sara said looking to her mate, she was about two weeks pregnant and she had hoped that Damien would pay her some attention; however it hadn’t gone to plan.

Damien ignored his mate as he continued to drink beer with his brother, he could care less about her whining; there wasn’t any food and he needed to focus.

Damien was determined to get revenge on Iker for being banished, he was going to make Iker pay and he knew that Faith was the best way to hurt him.

“Damien,” Sara said looking to her mate, she didn’t understand how he couldn’t care about her or their pup; she truly feared about what she had gotten herself involved in by mating officially with him.

Sara watched him for a moment before she shook her head, she pushed herself to her feet to check the kitchen of the rundown apartment that she now lived in.

Sara knew that there wouldn’t be any food in the kitchen but she needed to do something; she hated all the plotting that was going on and she feared for her pup.

Damien didn’t care right now but she knew that if he was an alpha male of a clan then he would care; he needed offspring as much as Iker did and Sara was determined to do something.

Taking a deep breath, Sara made a decision she couldn’t stay with her mate and she needed to start living for her pup; she was going to have to leave the Garcia family.

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