Chapter Thirty: Family Moments

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Iker took a deep breath as he sat in his office, he frowned at the report that he was reading and wondered why Sara was so determined to come back to Madrid.

In the past few weeks, he had received tons of requests from Sara to be allowed back to Madrid, each had been denied since Sara couldn’t be trusted.

“Have you heard from Sergio?” Fernando asked looking at Iker, the beta male was busy with his new pup and everyone was happy for him after the birth.

However Sergio had been off work for nearly two weeks now and Fernando knew it would be another two weeks before Sergio returned; it was normal for new father’s to take a month off after the birth of their pups.

Iker shook his head, he had been busy with work and his pregnant mate; he was going to be a father in a few weeks and he knew that everything was slowly getting ready.

Faith preparing to start nesting and Iker was thrilled that she had picked a spot to have the pups in; he was eager for the birth and everything was going to be perfect.

“Not recently,” Iker said putting down Sara’s latest request to be allow to return, he looked at Fernando knowing that this wasn’t going to change anything.

Fernando nodded his head, he sat down in a chair and watched the alpha male; he could see that Iker was stressed and he remembered when he had been the same.

“How’s Faith?” Fernando asked watching Iker closely, he remembered when Olalla had been expecting twins; it had been a rough pregnancy and it wouldn’t be easy for Faith.

Iker chewed on his lip, he preferred to work from home since Faith was getting big now and he was more protective of his mate and son.

Christmas was only a week away now and Iker was planning to move his work completely back to the house at the end of the week; he didn’t wish to be away from his family on the holidays.


Faith cooed as she played with Oliver, it wasn’t easy with her ever expanding stomach but she was doing her best; she paused when she heard Iker come home and smiled sure that he was home for the night.

Oliver rolled over onto his stomach and babbled, his blue eyes peeking up as his father walked into the living room; Iker chuckled picking up the infant and cuddled him close.

“Have you been good for your madre?” Iker asked softly, he couldn’t believe how fast the little boy was growing up; he was sure that in a few weeks he would be walking and talking.

Oliver babbled making Iker chuckle, he smiled at his wife knowing that Faith was doing well when she was home alone; he wished that there was more that he could do.

“How was your day?” Faith asked peeking at Iker, she slowly got to her feet since moving around was slowly getting a little harder for her.

Iker watched his mate, his eyes lingering on the bump that she carried that made her look twenty-six weeks pregnant; he couldn’t believe that in seven weeks that his pups would be born.

“It was good… I’m glad to be home,” Iker said smiling at Faith, he didn’t like discussing work when he was at home and he would rather focus on her and Oliver.

Faith nodded her head, she sat down on the couch and rubbed her stomach making Iker frown; he was sure that the pregnancy wasn’t easy on her and it was so different from her first one.

“How about I make dinner?” Iker offered, he did his best when he was at home to make Faith comfortable while she was pregnant; he didn’t want her over stressing herself.

Oliver whimpered as Iker cuddled him, he buried his head into his father’s chest while Iker moved to settle him into his play pen while he made dinner for the family.


“Gracias for dinner,” Faith said leaning back on their bed, she rested a hand on her bump trying to get comfortable; Oliver was sleeping and the couple were finally able to relax together.

Iker nodded his head with a smile, he walked over to the bed and sat down next to Faith; his hand moving to rest on her stomach as he wished that he could make the pregnancy easier on her.

Iker brushed his fingers against the swell, he didn’t know what was going to happen but he would do anything for his mate and their pups; no one would ever hurt them and he would kill anyone who tried.

“I love you,” Iker said knowing that he never said it enough, he was so busy recently and he wanted to make sure that she knew how he felt.

Faith smiled and kissed Iker, she had no idea what had made him so tense but she hoped that things weren’t bad for the clan; she barely left the house right now because she felt like she was carrying a whale.

“I love you too,” Faith whispered, she brushed her fingers through her hair; she didn’t know what would happen but she was sure that it would all work out.

Iker chuckled and ducked his head down to kiss her again, he loved her and he was sure that Faith was perfect; he didn’t care about anything else.

“How about I run you a bath?” Iker murmured, his fingers moving to brush his fingers through her hair; he smiled a little wondering what he would ever do if something happened to Faith and the pups.

Faith nodded her head, she could see that there was something bothering Iker and she hoped that everything was okay; she watched him as he headed for the bathroom to run her a bath.


“Your plan failed… Faith is still alive,” Damien snarled furiously as he glared at the man in front of him, he wanted the woman dead and before her pups could ever be born; he wanted to crush Iker’s spirit.

Damien glared at the man across from him, he had given him one job to do and he had failed; he needed to end the line of Casillas and Faith was the key to doing that.

“I burned down the apartment just like you told me to, how was I to know that Casillas had moved them,” David said glaring at the younger man, he wanted his daughter to suffer and she would die by his hands when the time came.

Iker was just prolonging a life that should have ended months ago, Faith should have died and David was determined to make that happen.

Damien ran his fingers through his hair, he was still surprised that Iker had managed to move Faith and Oliver from the apartment without him knowing.

Sara’s deception meant little to Damien and he was sure that she would come back from Barcelona when she realised that her attempts to return to Madrid weren’t going to work.

“I want you to find her… I don’t care who you do it, but Faith must die before those pups are born,” Damien said turning to look at the man that would do his bidding; he would buy his time and soon Madrid would be his for the taking and Iker would beg for death.

David nodded his head, he was sure that when he finally killed Faith that he would be heavily rewarded; he didn’t care what happened once Faith was gone, that he would be able to leave Madrid forever.

Damien smirked, he didn’t have any plans of letting David escape this alive.

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