Chapter Thirty-Four: Any Moment Now

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“Gracias for doing this Olalla,” Iker murmured smiling at Olalla as he allowed her into his home, he hated to do this but he had an important meeting and Faith was due any day now.

Iker didn’t want to leave his heavily pregnant mate alone and he knew that at any moment his pups could arrive; he wouldn’t leave them unless it was necessary and it would be the last time he would travel to the city until his pups were older.

Olalla waved Iker off, she knew how tense he was right now and she didn’t blame him; he had a lot on his plate and things were going to only get busier.

“It’s no problem at all,” Olalla replied with a smile, she wished that there was more that she could do and she knew that until the threat that Damien posed had been dealt with there was a chance that Iker would be very busy.

Iker nodded his head, he didn’t want to leave and he wished he could stay with Faith and Oliver but with Damien trying to gather forces against the clan; he didn’t want to risk his enemy returning.

“I shouldn’t be long,” Iker said looking towards the living room, he knew that Faith was in pain right now and there wasn’t anything that he could do to help her; the pups were due soon and he was sure that they would arrive when they were ready.

Olalla smiled, she knew that it wasn’t easy for couples to be parted in the late stages of pregnancy; she remembered how her and Fernando had been when she had been pregnant with Nora and Leo.

“Take as long as you need,” Olalla reassured before she ushered Iker out of the door so that he wouldn’t be late for his meeting; she smiled at him sure that everything would be perfectly fine while he was away for a couple of hours.


“Sara had a daughter last week,” Sergio said reading the report that they had gotten from the Barcelona clan, he frowned knowing that she still wished to return to Madrid even if she had been told that it wasn’t possible.

Iker nodded his head, he could barely concentrate on the meeting while he thought about his mate; he was excited about the birth that could happen at any moment.

“Named her Irena after her sister,” Sergio mused knowing that Damien wouldn’t care for the pup, he doubted that the rebel cared about anything but himself.

Sara breaking away from him hadn’t seemed to bother Damien and it was clear that he had never held any interest in the woman that was meant to be his mate.

“Any other news?” Iker asked not wanting to talk about Sara, she had made her bed and now she had to lie in it; he wanted nothing to do with her nor would he ever welcome her back into the clan.

Sergio and Fernando shared a look, they weren’t surprised that Iker was growing bored with Sara’s antics; she seemed desperate to share all news with her former boyfriend when he didn’t want her.

“There’s no sign of Damien… we think he might have gone to ground again,” Sergio said softly, he had no idea what they were going to do about Damien and they would have to actually start thinking of what to do about him.

No one wanted to risk their families and everyone had so much to lose if Damien was able to return to Madrid, he would kill everyone that stood in his way to becoming alpha of the Madrid clan.

Iker closed his eyes, he didn’t know why anyone would side with Damien when it was clearly a suicide mission; it was only going to end in death.

“We’ll have to keep an eye out for him,” Iker murmured not knowing what to do about the other man short of killing him, he knew that the Garcia family were trouble and it would have to be done cleanly.

Iker was sure that Xavi would be able to help him, he didn’t want to cause more trouble for the clan and if several were involved then there would be less trouble for everyone.

There was a sudden loud crashing sound outside of the office making everyone gathered look towards the door; Iker frowned as a bad feeling formed in his stomach making him wonder what was going on.

No one said a word as it suddenly grew deathly quiet, there was no sound and Iker felt his hackles raise as he realised slowly what was going on.

The door to the office was slowly pushed open and a smug looking Alexander walked into the room followed by his son Cain; they had been waiting a long time for this moment.

Iker glared at the man before him, he had no idea what was going on but he knew that it couldn’t be good; he had no idea how he hadn’t seen this coming and they had managed to break into the offices.

“Don’t stand on my account,” Alexander mused thrilled with how things had gone, he was sure that it wouldn’t be long before Damien joined them; his eldest son had some unfinished business to deal with.


Faith took several deep breathes as Olalla timed her contractions, it had been going on for the last few hours and they were both sure that Faith was in labour; they had yet to tell Iker hoping he would be home in time.

“They’re getting closer,” Olalla whispered knowing that they would have to call Iker if he didn’t hurry up, he would miss the birth of his pups and Faith was going to need him.

Faith gritted her teeth, her waters hadn’t broken yet and she was sure that they were going to be okay; she was surprised that she hadn’t realised earlier that she was going into labour.

Faith rubbed her back as she waddled around the living room, she was glad that things seemed to be going well and she hoped that the doctor would be here soon.

Olalla watched her closely, they were lucky that Oliver was sleeping since they already had their hands full; she wasn’t sure when the doctor would arrive but she hoped it was soon.

Faith yelped as she felt a large gush, she stared down at her feet as a puddle appeared; she swallowed knowing that now was the time to let Iker know what was going on.

“I’ll call Iker,” Olalla murmured softly, she got to her feet and moved to get the house phone; Iker wasn’t going to want to miss the birth of his pups.

Olalla frowned when she dialled the number and nothing happened, she didn’t know what it was but she didn’t think Iker would turn his mobile off this close to the birth.

“The phone line’s dead,” Olalla said confused turning to look at Faith knowing that it was far from good news, she wasn’t sure how else to reach Iker since her mobile was at home and Faith didn’t have one.

Faith looked at Olalla panicked, Iker had promised her that he would be with her for the birth of the pups and now they couldn’t get a hold of him.

“I’m afraid that would be my doing,” Damien announced making himself known, he had come to finish what he had started and no one would get in his way this time.

Faith stared shocked wondering how he had found them, she knew that he had been banished and yet now he stood before her.

Olalla glared at the man, she had heard all about what he had done and if he was breaking into Iker and Faith’s home now it wasn’t going to end well for anyone involved.

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