Chapter Six: Hidden Identity

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“My name is Isabel,” Faith lied as she stared at her clan alpha, she didn't know what it was but there was something about the way that he was looking at her that made her want to flee.

Iker nodded his head as he tried to think of any Isabel’s that he knew, he couldn't think of any that came to mind and he was a little disappointed; he cleared his throat as he brought his mind to the matter at hand.

“May I get to know you?” Iker asked not knowing what else he could say, Isabel was his mate and he knew that there was no one else in the world that he could possibly want; he noted the look of confusion on her face before she nodded her head.

Faith didn't understand why someone like Iker would want to spend time with her but for tonight she was Isabel and she doubted that she would ever get this chance again; tomorrow she would be Faith the untouchable again.

Iker smiled as he offered her, his hand so that he could touch her; he could see that she was nervous about being with him and it made him wonder what her life was like.

The two of them slipped away nearly completely un-noticed by the crowd while several people started to celebrate the fact that Iker had finally found his mate, only one seemed to worry about what this meant for the brunette that he was leaving with.

“Tell me about yourself,” Iker asked making Faith pause slightly as she looked at him, she knew that she couldn't tell him the truth; she’d end up in trouble if he were to discover that she was an untouchable, she already held the bottom rank of his clan and if she caused trouble then she would be kicked out.

“I’m from out of town,” Faith lied knowing that it would be better this way, everything she would tell him would be a lie to protect herself and then he would leave to find his mate and she wouldn’t have to worry about him noticing her again.

Iker tilted his head, he hoped that she wouldn’t mind moving to Madrid; he couldn't leave the clan behind and she would have responsibilities as his mate.

“What do you think of Madrid?” Iker queried as he watched her, the two of them were walking through the gardens now and he had to admit that even in the gardens she still looked beautiful.

Faith glanced at him as they walked, she should be allowing him to get back to his search but this was the first time in a while that she had been treated like this; like she was actually person and not dirt.

“It’s a beautiful city,” Faith said making Iker smile as he moved closer to her, he carefully brushed away a strained of hair while he watched her contently for a moment. Faith stepped back away from him.

“You should get back to your search,” she said as she watched him, things were going to have to end here; she wasn’t the one that he was searching for.

Iker furrowed his brow wondering if she hadn't sense what he had, he knew that sometimes the females of the clan didn't notice the pull that males felt when they found their mate for the first time.

“I’ve already found her,” Iker admitted making Faith stare at him dumbfounded, she wondered why he would be spending time with her when he already had his mate.

Iker smiled softly as he carefully took Isabel’s hand; he hoped that she would be as happy as he was about the fact that they were mates, he couldn't believe that he had finally found her.

“Isabel… you are my mate,” Iker said softly making Faith stare at him, she hoped that he was joking; there was no way that he was being serious, she had accepted her fate the moment that she had found out that she was pregnant.

Iker watched her as the colour drained from her face; he suddenly got the feeling that she wasn’t taking this news well.

“Can we go back inside?” Faith breathed shakily as she realised that she had to escape, she knew that what she had with Iker was never meant to be and that he would be happier if she just disappeared.


Nadina hurried back to Faith’s side as soon as Iker had left her side, she could see that her friend was struggling and she didn't blame her; the moment that the council discovered that she was untouchable they would dissolve the connection that was growing between her and Iker.

“Get me out of here,” Faith pleaded this would be her only chance to escape, she had been lucky enough to be wearing her mask so that he didn't know what she looked like.

Nadina nodded her head this was for the best; it wouldn’t end well if Faith remained and someone recognised her.

“I’m so sorry,” Nadina said softly as she led her friend from the ballroom, Faith would never be allowed to bond with anyone and now that she had found her mate it only made things worse for her.

Faith took a deep breath as she stepped out into the cool night hair, she took a deep breath as she felt the tears prick her blue eyes; would never be able to be with Iker and it made her heartache.

“We better get out of here… he isn’t going to let you walk away if he catches us,” Nadina said gently, she could see that her friend just wanted to breakdown and cry but she couldn't do that right now; they needed to escape while they could.

Across the room celebrating the news with his parents, Iker stood completely unaware of what was happening with his mate; everyone was happy for him.

Iker furrowed his brow as he felt a strange tug on his heart, he rested his hand on it for a moment as his mother talked to him excitedly about his mating ceremony; she had known as soon as she had seen Iker with Isabel that she was his mate.

“I’m so happy for you,” Carmen said as she gushed about the ceremony, Iker nodded his head as he felt his heartache; he didn't know what it was but he slowly felt the dread take hold as if he was missing something.

“Excuse me madre,” Iker said as he headed back to where he had left Isabel, he knew that she hadn't seemed happy about their connection. The alpha paled as he suddenly realised why he was getting heartache, his mate had done a runner and had disappeared.

“Don’t worry we will find her,” José Luis said as he tried to comfort his eldest son, while his wife organised people to search for the brunette; Carmen wasn’t about to allow her son to lose his mate like this.

“What if you don’t?” Iker asked as he felt sick, he closed his eyes since he felt dizzy; he didn't know what he would do if they couldn't find Isabel, he hated to think that he had lost her so soon after finding her.

“Don’t think like that,” José Luis said determinedly as he looked at his son, he could already see the effects of the bond taking hold of his son and he had a feeling that Isabel would soon start feeling it as well.

Iker swallowed hard as he focused on the feeling that told him that his mate was okay.

“We will find her Iker,” Sergio said as he looked at his best friend, he knew that Iker wasn’t going to rest until Isabel had been found; he knew that there had to have been a reason why the brunette had fled like this.

“I know,” Iker said as he concentrated on the pull in his chest, he wasn’t ever going to stop searching for her; he didn't care what it took he was going to find Isabel if it took him forever to do so.

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