Chapter Nineteen: Nadina's Mating Ceremony

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"You look amazing," Faith said with a smile as she admired the green elegant floor length V-neck dress that Nadina was wearing; she looked amazing and it made Faith wonder what colours that she would be wearing for her own ceremony.

Nadina grinned as she gave a little twirl before she looked at her best friend, Faith was wearing a dark green ruched A-line V-neck knee-length bridesmaid dress paired with nude pointed high heels.

"So do you," Nadina said as she brushed some hair from her face, she was so nervous and glad that the bump wasn't showing right now; she was five weeks pregnant and a small bump had slowly appeared.

Faith blushed a little as she looked away, she couldn't believe that Nadina was about to join her mate like this; she checked on Oliver who was wearing an adorable grey suit.

"Has Iker said anything about Damien?" Nadina asked curiously, it had been weeks since Faith had told Iker who had fathered Oliver and yet nothing seemed to be happening.

Sergio hadn't said anything to her about what was going on, it was top secret and Nadina wanted to know what was going on; she wanted to make sure her best friend was safe.

"They're running a private enquiry... apparently I wasn't the only woman," Faith said softly as she fussed over her son, she didn't like talking about it since Iker was arranging a trial for Damien; no one could know what was coming for the rogue member of the clan.

Nadina nodded her head, she wasn't even surprised and she felt sorry for whatever woman ended up with Damien as her mate; he was a psychopath.


"I wish to take Nadina Tomas Silva as my mate," Sergio said as he looked up at the priest that would be presiding over the mating ceremony; he laced his fingers with hers as he smiled.

Iker and Faith stood at the bottom of the steps with Oliver, they smiled as they watched their best friends prepare to take this big step in their lives; they were so happy for the both of them.

"Would you consider him?" the priest asked as he smiled at the couple, he oversaw so many mating ceremonies and they were all special in their own way; he was doing even more now since Iker had relaxed laws on who could have mating ceremonies.

"I would," Nadina said softly grinning as she peeked at Sergio, she couldn't believe that this was happening; if it weren't for Iker's mating to Faith then she wouldn't have ever had this day.

The priest nodded his head as he looked over the couple, there was a small gathering that included both the couple's families and some close friends but it was enough for Nadina and Sergio.

"Will you provide for her?" the priest asked as he looked at Sergio, it was a short ceremony but there were a lot of things that had to be done for tradition.

Iker smiled softly as he thought about his impending mating ceremony, they wouldn't have a lot of guests but it was going to be perfect; he didn't even care that his parents' weren't going to be there.

"I will," Sergio said as he wiggled his fingers in Nadina's hand, she smiled as she looked at him; they were so happy and everyone in the room could see it.

"Will you protect her?" the priest asked as he looked at Sergio seriously, he looked at the couple that stood before him; it was amazing the unions that had seen.

"I will," Sergio said as he peeked at Nadina, he was sure that she could handle herself without him; the ceremony was so old now that it didn't make sense sometimes and it really needed updating.

However that couldn't happen until Iker got a new council in place, he had dismantled the old one and was how holding interviews to gather a new one together.

"Will you treasure her and your offspring above all else, including your own life?" the priest asked as he looked between the couple, it was clear that Nadina was expecting and he was happy for the couple.

Relationships were never drawn out when it came to the clan and most did end up pregnant before or just after their mating ceremony.

"I will," Sergio said as he grinned, he couldn't keep the smile off his face and he was sure that he was so happy right now; he couldn't believe that he was getting married to his mate.

"Do you accept Sergio Ramos Garcia's pledges and make your own in return?" the priest asked as he turned to Nadina, he smiled at her as she blinked back tears from her brown eyes as she smiled at Sergio.

"I will and do," Nadina said softly as she tried to keep herself from crying, she couldn't believe how emotional she was being about this.

"Who would stand witness to this union?" the priest asked as he looked at Iker and Faith, he smiled at them as they stepped forward; this was slowly coming to an end and the ceremony was nearly over.

"Should Sergio fall in battle, would you provide for his mate as you would your own?" the priest asked as he looked to Iker first, even if there wasn't any trouble in the clan right now there would be one day and the clan took these promises seriously.

"I would," Iker said as he nodded his head, he would do anything for Sergio and he was his best friend and he was sure if the need ever arose then he would do the same for him.

"And if Nadina should die, would you care for her children as you would your own," the priest said as he looked at Faith, who confirmed that she would; the ceremony was beautifully lit by candles and the room was quiet as the ceremony happened.

The colours were green and white which represented Sergio's former home and his new connection to the clan.

"The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace," the priest said as he waved his hands in the air above the couple as the mating ceremony came to a close.

Nadina smiled as she realised that she was officially married, she looked at Sergio knowing that she was his mate and no one could change that now.

"I can't wait to get you home," Nadina purred as she wrapped her arms around Sergio's neck, she kissed him as Sergio stared at her surprised; he grinned as he held her close while people around them cheered for the couple.

The small gathering of guests cheered at Sergio and Nadina kissed, they were officially mates and the ceremony was over; Iker and Faith smiled as they watched them, in a few weeks that would be them.

"Congratulations," Iker said as he nodded at Sergio, his beta deserved all the happiness in the world and he was hoping that he would get to share that happiness.

Faith hugged Nadina, she was so happy for her friend and it set her a little more at ease for her own ceremony; it seemed so simple and she was a little more excited now.

The priest stepped back as people moved to congratulate the newly married couple, he smiled as he watched them before peeking at Iker and Faith; he had news to share with them but it could wait for another day.

Damien's time was running out and fast.

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