Chapter Eighteen: Dark Secrets Revealed

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“I know this isn’t easy for you Faith and I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” Iker said as the couple sat in the living room, she had been so quiet and he felt bad for demanding answers like he had.

Faith swallowed as she thought about how to explain what had happened, it wasn’t a pleasant story and she feared what Iker would do when she told him the truth.

“It won’t change how I see you Faye,” Iker said as he tried to comfort his mate, he could see that she was distressed and he wanted to ease her mind; he didn’t hold her responsible for what had happened.

Faith shook her head, she couldn’t meet his eyes as she messed with the bottom of her top, she wasn’t sure how to tell him who had done this to her.

“It will…” Faith whispered as she closed her eyes, she had to explain a couple of things and she hoped that he wasn’t going to be angry with her; Faith wasn’t sure what would happen if he kicked her out.

Iker frowned as he tried to take Faith’s hand, they were shaking and he didn’t like that she seemed to be worrying about this; he wanted nothing more than to make this better for her.

“I’ll tell you his name… but you have to let me explain what happened,” Faith said as she finally looked at Iker, she had never willingly been with anyone and she needed Iker to know that what had happened with Damien hadn’t been willing.

Iker nodded his head, his eyes watching her as he tried to work out why she was so nervous; he wondered what hold the father had on her if she was so scared to talk about him.

“Oliver’s padre is Damien Garcia,” Faith whispered before she flinched back as Iker launched a glass across the room, it crashed into a wall echoing around the room.

Iker breathed heavily as his mind raced, he couldn’t believe what Faith had told him and he was furious that Damien had touched his mate in anyway.

Faith whimpered as she felt herself shake, she had known he would be angry and now she feared what he would do; she flinched as Iker cursed sharply before he ran a hand through.

“How did this happen?” Iker asked making Faith look at him; she had expected him to throw her out when he discovered the identity of the father and yet he was still willing to talk to her.

Faith eyed Iker warily as he paced back and forth, she whimpered wishing that she could take back those five words and make him forget all about this situation.

“I need to know Faith, why would you do that to yourself?” Iker said as he tried to persuade her to talk to him; he could see the tears forming in her eyes and he had a feeling that no one had ever asked her about her side of the story.

Iker felt himself calm slightly when he saw how upset she was, he just wanted to understand and there was only one way for that to happen.

“I never choose any of this…” Faith whimpered as she prepared to tell Iker what had happened to her; she just wanted to explain before he decided that she wasn’t worth the trouble.

Iker sat down again as he tried to understand what she was trying to say, he was never going to forget what she would tell him and he was sure it was important.

“I’m not sure how to talk about this,” Faith admitted, no one had ever wanted to hear her side of the story and she was a little taken back that Iker was being this way with her; she could see that he really cared about her and it made her feel even worse.

Iker shifted his weight as he moved closer to Faith, he wanted to make this as easy as possible; it wasn’t going to change how he felt about her and he just wanted to have the full story.

“I guess it all really started after my madre died, my Abuelos turned their backs on my padre and he turned to drink; I think I was about four when that happened,” Faith said as she tried to think back to how this had all begun, Iker felt his heartache as he thought about what that must have been like for her.

“My padre wasn’t the same after my madre died… he couldn't look at me because of how much I looked like her, he stopped caring and I was forced to look after everything in the house,” Faith said as she thought back to her childhood, it had never been easy and she was glad that she now had Iker in her life.

Iker felt his heart breaking for her as he realised that while he spent time playing with his friends; his mate had been forced to grow up when she should have been doing the same.

“So you balanced looking after your family and school?” Iker said as he moved closer to Faith, he was wondering why she had been allowed to suffer; he knew the policies of the clan and someone should have acted and taken care of her and her brother when their father had stopped caring for them.

“I never went to school, my padre only allowed my hermano to go; I had to look after the house and pay the bills,” Faith said as she looked at Iker, his heart suddenly ached at the idea of her having to work while her father did nothing but get himself drunk all the time.

“Devon was the one that taught me to read and write,” Faith explained knowing that Iker was curious about the fact that she had managed to work without any education; she had never fully explained any of this to him before.

“I was sixteen when I first met Damien, I had just come home from work to find him in the living room with my padre and his hermano; he just nodded his head at my padre and said he would take it as payment for the money that he had owed,” Faith said making Iker furrow his brow as she looked away, he could see that she was hurting and he hated that someone had done this to her.

Faith took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself enough to continue her tale, this wasn’t the hardest part and the moment that her life had truly been ruined.

“I didn't realise until it was too late that it was me that he was talking about… my padre owed him a lot of money and I was the pay off,” Faith said as she watched the pieces fall into place, Iker swallowed thickly as he realised that Damien had done to her; he felt sick knowing that she had been raped and no one had protected her.

“When I feel pregnant with Oliver, he made it perfectly clear that he had no intentions to claim him… so I was forced to become an untouchable,” Faith whispered as her tears started to fall, she felt Iker cuddle her as he finally reached out to comfort her.

Iker held Faith close as her words rang in his ears, he would make everyone suffer for what they had done to his mate; there were rules and policies that had been ignored and that had to change.

“It’s okay,” Iker murmured as he held her close, he would do anything to correct all the damage that had been done; he was going to punish David while Damien would face the ultimate punishment for his crimes.

Faith looked at him confused as she realised that he was accepting her; she didn't know what had made him accept her but she couldn't help but feel relieved that he was accepting everything that she had told.

Iker carefully pulled Faith close, he would do anything to protect his family and the mating ceremony would go ahead; he was sure that he had made the right choice.

“I love you Faye… more than anything,” Iker whispered as he brushed some tears from her face, he smiled as he watched her wondering how he had gotten such a strong and beautiful mate.

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