Chapter Ten: Dirty Little Secret

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“What do you think Iker?” Sara asked as she showed him another dress that she had bought while she had been out shopping; her eyes watched him as he looked up from some paperwork.

Sara was all too aware that Iker had found his mate, but she was still hoping that things wouldn’t work out and Isabel would stay lost; she was destined to be the clan’s next alpha female.

Iker grumbled annoyed as he looked at his former girlfriend, she was grating on his last nerve right now and he wished she’d leave him alone.

“It looks fine Sara,” Iker said as he turned back to his paperwork, the searches for Isabel weren’t working and he couldn’t understand why; he worried for his mate especially after what had happened that day.

Iker had panicked when his mate had cut their connection, he didn’t know what had happened but when it came back there was something not right and it scared him.

“I was thinking that I could wear this one for our engagement party,” Sara said as she held up a red dress, she grinned as she looked at Iker; she wasn’t going to give up and sooner or later he would give up and she would have what she wanted.

Iker stopped what he was doing and glared at Sara, he had told her multiply times that they weren’t going to marry or get engaged; he had found his mate and there was nothing that would change that.

“I’m just saying…” Sara murmured as she rolled her eyes and looked away from Iker, she glanced at the clock as she wondered when he would realise that he would never find Isabel.

Sara fluffed her hair, she had somewhere to be and Iker wouldn’t care that she was going out; he barely paid attention to her anymore.


Stepping into her apartment, Sara smiled as she realised that she wasn’t alone and she was thrilled that her real mate was already home and waiting for her.

Sara had kept her dirty little secret for three years now, it had been hard work and her mate understood why they had to do this.

It was his idea that she date Iker, that she manipulate him to get what she wanted; he wanted to hurt the alpha male more than anything and Sara was his key to do so.

“Hola amor,” Sara called as she slipped off her shoes, his dark shadow looked out of the window and she wrinkled her nose a little at the smell that she picked up on him.

Sara was aware how much her mate spent with other women, she didn’t like it but there wasn’t anything that she could do about it; especially since she had been courting Iker for so long.

“Hola nena,” Damien said as he turned to Sara and smiled at her, he had come straight from Faith’s apartment to see her; they meet several times a week and it had been easy to cover up the fact that they were mates.

Their original plan had been for Sara to marry Iker and remain that way for a year before they revealed that they were mates; then Damien would take leadership of the clan from Iker because he wouldn’t be suitable anymore.

However there entire plan had been forced to change the moment that Iker had found his mate; the best part was that Iker had no idea that Isabel was really Faith and he would never stand a chance.

“How was your day mi amor?” Damien asked as he kissed Sara, he was thrilled that he had her and Iker had no one; he loved making his rival suffered.

Sara wrinkled her nose as she stepped back from her mate and glared at him, she really wished that he would shower before coming to see her; she hated the smell of the untouchable that he screwed with even more so knowing now that she was Iker’s real mate.

“It was fine,” Sara said shortly as she moved to sit down, she watched Damien as she wondered when she was get her chance; she was tired of waiting for her rightful role while Iker fussed over a woman that he could never have.

Damien frowned as he looked at his mate, they were so close now to the finish line and he could taste it; he wanted to destroy Iker before he took over as alpha of the clan.

“You stink of her amor,” Sara said as she crossed her arms, she hated that he still slept with Faith and she wished with all of her might that she could ignore the fact that he had a bastard with the other woman.

It rubbed Sara up the wrong way that her mate had a child with another woman, it made her want to destroy Faith’s life even more than it already was.

“I’m tired of being your dirty little secret Damien… I’m tired of pretending to love that idiot,” Sara said as she looked at her mate, she wished that he understood and she hated that she couldn’t tell the world that she was his.

Damien sighed as he walked over to her, he refused to allow her whining to be the reason that his careful planning collapsed; he was going to make Iker pay for taking his place as alpha male.


Iker carefully stepped into his bedroom and sighed as he looked around, he had built this house with his bare hands and it was the home that he wished to share with Isabel and their future offspring.

Iker had spent a lot of time in the last seven weeks preparing the house for Isabel to join him, he had hoped that she would be living with him by now and they would have been officially mated.

However destiny didn’t seem to be on his side and Iker hated that his mate was suffering and he wasn’t able to protect her from whatever had happened to her.

Iker nibbled on his lip as he moved to sit down on the bed, he had never allowed Sara into this room; it didn’t feel right even if he had thought that he had loved her.

Iker had slept in the guest bedroom with her whenever Sara had stayed over, the master bedroom would always be the room that he shared with Isabel and the other upstairs rooms would be for their future pups.

Iker rubbed his heart as he looked around the room, he wondered if Isabel would love what he had done with their future home; it wasn’t a tradition that many followed anymore but Iker liked it.

The alpha male felt that he had proved that he was able to provide for his future family, he had built them the perfect house and he kept adding to it until Isabel would join him in the house and they started to have children.

“Where are you Isabel?” Iker whispered as he lay back on the bed, he didn’t sleep in this room it was too painful especially since it was the room that he wished to share with his mate.

Iker closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to focus on his connection with Isabel, she had been off all day and he wished to comfort her in some small way; he had felt her growing weak and he worried for her.

“Why are you hiding mi amor?” Iker asked out loud, he wished that he understood why Isabel had fled from him; he feared for her and wanted nothing more than to have her with him.

So many questions had filled his mind since Isabel had left him at the ball, he wanted to know what had happened and Iker needed to find her soon.

Iker had six weeks left before the council pressed him for answers, answers that he didn’t have right now. 

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