Chapter Nine: From Bad to Worse

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Damien Garcia smirked as he stalked towards Faith as she backed away from him, the brunette swallowed she should have known that he would come for her; she felt sick knowing what he wanted.

“I can’t believe that it’s been so long,” Damien mused as he moved towards Faith, she tried to think of a way so that she could escape; Damien chuckled as he backed Faith into a wall.

Faith stared at him frightened as she wondered why he couldn't just leave her alone, it was like some sort of sick twisted game with him and ever after he had destroyed her life, he kept coming back for more.

“You know, I had an interesting talk with my padre the other day… about Isabel,” Damien said as he looked at Faith, she looked at him wondering where he was going with this. Faith hoped that he hadn't figured out that she was Isabel, she knew that it would only make things worse.

“From what I heard she had beautiful flowing brown hair, bright brown eyes… a vision of loveliness and that got me thinking, you looked like that when I first met you,” Damien said with a smirk as he looked at Faith, the colour draining from her already pale skin; she swallowed knowing that he knew her secret.

Faith watched him for a moment before she made a run for it, there was no doubt in her mind that he would turn this into some sort of twisted game; he was going to hurt her even worse.

Damien chuckled as he followed after Faith as she made a run for the door only to be stopped by his brother; she struggled against Cain’s grip as he turned her back to Damien.

“I couldn't believe it when I heard that Iker had found his mate, it makes it even better that it’s you,” Damien said as he grabbed hold of Faith, she struggled against his hold as she realised where this was going; she felt sick that this was exciting him for all the wrong reasons.

Faith struggled against Damien’s hold until he pinned her against the hallway wall, she stared at him terrified that he was going to assault her again; she felt tears building in her eyes as he slowly started to kiss her neck and his brother left them alone.

“Do you know what this means to me? I can finally hurt Iker with something like this, I have taken the one thing that he desires most in the world, you,” Damien said as he pushed himself up against Faith, she closed her eyes knowing where he was going with this and she wished that she could just zone-out.


Damien smirked as he looked down at Faith, she curled up on the bed as she stared blankly at the wall; she had long since stopped crying about him raping her, she saw it as a waste of tears now.

“You know… I can’t wait to see Iker’s face when I tell him his precious mate is nothing but a dirty untouchable whore,” Damien said smugly, he knew that the council would never allow Iker to claim Faith while he would one day find his mate and would live happy with her, Faith would spend the rest of her life alone.

The brunette ignored him as she closed her eyes, she felt disgusting and violated more than ever because of the bond that she shared with Iker; she felt sick that she’d been with another man while her mate was looking for her.

“I wonder how fast he will drop you when he learns the truth,” Damien mused as he started to pull on his clothes, he was breaking her spirit and that it would make things easier for him the next time that he came to do this; she was his now even if she didn't know it.

Faith swallowed as she listened to him dress, she wanted him gone and out of her life; she hated that he had this hold over and that he was never going to let her go.

“I can imagine all of the fun that we’ll have when he breaks the bond,” Damien said looking over at the brunette; he could tell that she was ill and it made things even easier for him. Damien chuckled as he walked out, he had his own mate to return to and she was a lot better than the woman he had just used and abused.


Devon looked as his sister concerned as she checked on her son, he could see that the last visit from Damien had broken her; she wasn’t herself and with everything that was going on he worried for her.

“You okay?” Devon asked as Faith settled Oliver down for the night, he was ten weeks old and had no idea what a cruel world that he had been born into; the brunette closed her eyes exhaustedly as she took a deep breath before she pushed herself carefully to her feet.

Devon looked at her concerned, he could see that she wasn’t getting any better and that Damien had only added to her problems and injuries; he didn't care what he did to the brunette when he was with her as long as he got his release.

“Damien knows about Iker,” Faith said as she started to clean around the house, she blinked a couple of times to shake of her dizziness knowing that things weren’t going to get any better for her; she swallowed as Devon watched her carefully, he could see that she wasn’t well.

“Isn’t that against the rules… if he knows that you are Iker’s mate then why did he do that to you?” Devon asked as Faith continued to clean, he knew that Damien would be in trouble when it came out that he had assaulted and taken advantage of Faith especially since she was the clan alpha’s mate.

Faith sighed as she looked at Devon wondering if he had forgotten.

“I’m an untouchable, I am the bottom of the heap and when Iker finds out, he won’t look at me twice, Damien knows this and he can do what he wants… no one can protect me anymore,” Faith said brokenly as she tried to make her brother understand.

Devon stared at his older sister heartbroken, he hated that Faith had to suffer like this and with Oliver’s birth things had only gotten worse; she deserved to be happy and because of their father she would never get the chance.

“It shouldn’t be like this,” Devon said as he looked at Faith as she went back to cleaning, the brunette sighed as she glanced at her brother; they’d had this discussion before and she knew that he didn't like what was happening to her.

“There’s nothing we can do Devon, in a couple of years you’ll be able to walk away from this place; you’ll find someone, have a family, a job that you love… none of this will matter to you,” Faith said as she felt her heartache, she swallowed back the lump in her throat and the nausea that wanted to consume her for a moment.

Devon stared at his sister, he hated when she talked like this; he didn't want to turn his back on her after everything that she had done for him, he didn't care what society said, she was his sister.

“I would never leave you here,” Devon said as he looked at Oliver, he hated that the little boy was going to suffer in the future all because of what his maternal grandfather and father had done.

“You won’t have a choice… when the time comes, you will have to leave me and Oliver behind,” Faith said as tears filled Devon’s eyes, he hated the world that he had been born into; there would never be any justice for Faith and Oliver for what they had suffered and he knew things were only going to get worse for both of them. 

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