Chapter Thirty-Six: Just in Time

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“I’ll handle everything here,” Sergio murmured watching Cain’s body being dragged from the room, the rest of the men had been rounded up and there wasn’t much left to do now.

Alexander had been handcuffed and was just waiting to be taken away, he would stand trial with the new council for what he had done; he would suffer if Iker had his way for his part in what had happened.

“Go Iker…” Sergio urged doubting that his friend would be able to focus, Faith needed him and they had no idea if Damien had actually found her; they couldn’t get through on the house phone.

Fernando looked to Sergio, he knew that they had to go and he wasn’t happy that he couldn’t get a hold of Olalla; it was worrying that they couldn’t get a hold of either woman and with Damien unaccounted for they had no idea what to expect.

Iker nodded his head, he would have left sooner but things needed to be sorted out and he had a clan that needed him; he moved to collect his car keys when Alexander laughed.

“You’re too late… by now Damien will have ended all of this,” Alexander teased grinning at Iker, he might have lost this one but he knew by the time that Iker got back to his house that he would have lost everything that he had ever cared for.

Alexander had done what he could to keep Iker around for longer, he knew that his only remaining son would have done the deed by now; no one would be able to stop Damien if they couldn’t find him.

Iker and Fernando stared at Alexander, they both were tired after having dealt with everything.

“You better hope that he hasn’t,” Iker growled staring at Alexander, he wasn’t sure what to expect when he got home but he knew that he would do anything to make sure that all the people behind this would suffer.


Standing outside of his house, Iker swallowed feeling sick at the thought that inside could be the bodies of his wife and children; he could already smell death from where he was standing beside his car.

Fernando slowly approached Iker, neither of them wanted to go inside and find their loved ones murdered; he had no idea what to expect when they stepped inside but they would have to sooner or later.

Iker closed his eyes, he had no idea what he was going to do but his first plan was to track down Damien and make sure that he didn’t get away with this.

“Iker…” Fernando murmured wishing that there was some other way around this, they needed to go inside and they needed to see for themselves what was waiting for them inside.

Fernando didn’t want to wait anymore to know how bad things were, he needed to go and see what had happened; standing outside in the cold wasn’t going to give them the answers that they needed.

“I can’t go in… I can’t see my family like that,” Iker whispered feeling ill, he shook his head and moved to lean against his car trying to ease himself; he couldn’t face what was laying inside right now.

Fernando stared at Iker, he doubted that there was anything that he could say to ease what was going through his friend’s mind; he wanted to make this easier but there was no way that they could take away from what lay inside.

“I’ll go in first… check the place out,” Fernando murmured watching his friend, he stared for a moment before he sighed and walked towards the house; he had no idea what lay inside but he was sure that it couldn’t be as bad as what he was imagining.

Iker watched as Fernando walked into his home, his heart pounded in his chest wondering what his friend would find inside; he waited to hear the gut-retching cries from Fernando that confirmed his fears.

However as the minutes ticked by nothing happened and Iker frowned wondering what was going on, he didn’t think that Damien would have cleaned up after himself if he had killed Faith and Olalla.

Iker slowly moved forward towards the house, he could still smell death but there was something else that his nose could pick up and he had no idea what it was; it scared him what he could be missing right now.

Iker’s head snapped up when Fernando hurried out of the house, the other man had a smile on his face and it made Iker wonder what he had found when he was inside.

“You have to come inside,” Fernando said moving to grab a hold of Iker, he had to get the other man inside; he hadn’t been able to believe what he had found and it was a shred of light in the darkness that surrounded them.

Iker frowned wondering what had gotten into Fernando, he allowed the younger man to pull him into the house; he swallowed as the smell of death that lingered and wished that it would go away.

Iker followed Fernando into the living room and stopped as he was greeted by a sight that he truly hadn’t been expecting to see; he felt tears burn his eyes and he hoped that it wasn’t some cruel trick.

“You’re just in time,” Olalla greeted with a smile, she looked up from what she was doing while Faith gritted her teeth; it was nearly time for the pups to arrive and Iker had made it.

Fernando smiled, he’d had no idea what to expect and he was thrilled to find everyone was okay; he was glad that no one had lost their life and that everything was going to be okay.


“I truly thought that I’d lost you,” Iker murmured giving Faith a small kiss, he couldn’t believe how today had worked out and everything had changed; he expected to come home to find his family dead, instead he came home to the birth of his pups.

Faith smiled softly, she had no idea what she would have done without Olalla, the woman had saved not only her life but the life of her children.

Iker looked down at the small bundle in his arms, he couldn’t believe that Faith had given birth to twins; it seemed unreal that they had just been born.

“They’re perfect,” Iker whispered looking at the little girl that lay in Faith’s arms, he knew that it was going to take some getting used to; he was surprised that it had all worked out like this.

Faith nodded her head tiredly, she was glad that Damien was gone and she hoped that Fernando had been able to dispose of the body; she didn’t want it cluttering up their home.

Iker pressed a kiss to the top of his son’s head, they’d gotten one of each and Iker was thrilled; he could only imagine how busy things would be now for them.

“We should think of names…” Faith murmured not wanting to talk louder in case she woke the twins, she couldn’t believe that they had arrived into the world when they had; they brightened up a day that could have been filled with tragedy.

Iker nodded his head, they hadn’t really picked out names for the twins since they hadn’t been sure what they were going to have; he chewed on his lip looking between them wondering what to name them.

Faith watched her husband, she was glad that the day had worked out like this; she didn’t want to think what Damien had planned for them and now thanks to Olalla, they no longer had to worry about him ever again.

“I have an idea,” Iker whispered with a smile, there was a name that he had in mind and he was sure that it would be perfect for their daughter.

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