Chapter Five: Getting Ready

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“Where is that sister of yours?” Nadina snapped as she glared at Devon, who shrugged as they waited for Faith to arrive so that they could get her ready for the masquerade ball that night.

Devon looked at his watch before they heard Faith approaching, the two of them choked as the brunette approached them dirty; Nadina raised an eyebrow at her friend while Devon took his nephew from her.

“Come on we have appointments to keep,” Nadia said as she grabbed onto Faith’s hand and dragged into the buildings behind them. Faith stared at her stunned as she tried to figure out just what she had gotten herself into.

Nadina grinned as she watched the owner of the place approach them, the woman pursed her lips as she looked at Faith; she tutted as she shook her head as she ushered Faith into the back room and forced her into the cool bath water.

Faith shivered as she glared at Nadina who grinned at her; the other brunette knew that if they were going to pull this off then Faith needed to be able to fool the others of their class.

The woman started to scrub the brunette’s hair with expensive smelling shampoos making Faith look at her friend wondering what the hell she had let herself in for; she knew that they were going to have to give her a complete makeover if they wanted to fool people and so that no one would recognize her.

“Okay, do you remember anything that I’ve taught you over the last few days,” Nadina said making Faith nod her head as she was ushered out of the bath; the brunette furrowed her brow as a hairdresser hurried forward next so that she could do Faith’s hair.


Faith stared at her face in the mirror in front of her, she didn't recognize herself for a moment as Nadina grinned at her friend’s transformation; the brunette’s hair was styled in a braided messy bun while her make-up was done naturally since her skin seemed to glow after it had been cleaned properly.

“Come on Faith, we still have to get you into your dress,” Nadina said knowing that her friend was stuck on the fact that for once she looked amazing; Faith was usually covered in dirty or sweat and hadn't been able to bathe like she had today in a long time.

“Are you sure about this?” Faith asked as she got to her feet, she swallowed as she spotted the bag that held her dress knowing that once she was in it then there was no going back; the brunette looked at her friend hoping that she would see sense.

“Of course I am… we all know that you deserve this,” Nadina said making the hairdresser and make-up artist nod their heads, everyone that had helped out today had known Faith since she was a little girl and she had helped them out whenever they needed it.

“Now come on,” Nadina said before she ushered Faith into a dressing room so the brunette could get dressed, she sighed as she ran a hand through her own hair; Nadina hadn't found it hard to track down people that wanted to help Faith.

The brunette was liked within the lower class and no one had been happy that the brunette had been dropped to the last level of their clan because someone had decided to force themselves on her.

“Okay, I don’t think that I can do this,” Faith said as she stepped out of the dressing room wearing the dress that Nadina had chosen for her; the other brunette grinned at her as everyone took in the sight before them.

“You look beautiful,” Devon said as he shifted his hold on Oliver, he had to admit that his sister deserved to look like this all the time and because of what had happened before she was born it wasn’t possible.

The brunette was wearing a royal blue A-line sweetheart floor-length dress paired with nude high heels with peep toe; she stared at herself in the mirror wondering if it was truly her standing across from her.

“You’ll need this,” Devon said as he stepped towards his sister and handed her a silver and blue masquerade mask so that she could hide her face; the brunette stared at him with a small smile before the hairdresser moved to put it on for her.

“Don’t worry about anything… just enjoy yourself tonight,” Devon said as he held Oliver close, he didn't know how much this all meant to his sister but he hoped that in the future she would be able to do this again without having to hide who she was.


“The boy isn't cooperating,” José Luis muttered as he looked at his wife, she sighed as she sipped on her drink; she knew that he was worried, last night hadn't turned up any signs of Iker’s mate and tonight wasn’t looking any better.

“I give up even I couldn't expect him to try while he is stuck on that Carbonero girl,” José Luis said annoyed as his wife looked at him, she knew that he was worried about their son being mate-less; it was something that had crossed her mind as well as Iker was introduced to woman after woman but nothing seemed to be happening.

“It’ll be okay,” Carmen said soothingly as she tried to calm her husband, she could see even more women arriving and she hoped that one of them would be their eldest son’s mate.

“I bet you had it all planned padre, he’ll bow down to the assembly when suddenly he stops and looks up as she walks towards him, his mate… no one knows who she is or whence she came from but he doesn’t care for his heart tells him that here, here is the maiden predestined to be his mate,” Unai said sarcastically making his parents glare at him.

The young man rolled his eyes annoyed before looking at his older brother; he didn't envy Iker because of the amount of pressure that the older Casillas brother was under.

Iker sighed as he was greeted by another blonde, he couldn't help but roll his brown eyes as she tried to keep his attention but he politely excused himself and moved away; he knew that he had so many more women to meet and as time passed it was slowly dawning on him that he hadn't found his mate.

Looking around Iker felt his breath catch in the back of his throat, his eyes locked on the beautiful creature that had just entered the room; he swallowed as he watched her talking closely with her friend, he couldn't bring himself to take his eyes off the brunette dressed in a deep blue.

Iker wasn’t even aware that he had walked over to his mate until he was stood in front of her; he swallowed nervously knowing that he had to have her.

“Hola,” Iker said making the beautiful creature before him look at him surprised, her blue eyes searched his for a moment making him wonder how he could have missed her before; he wanted to know her and love her for as long as he lived.

“Hola,” the brunette replied breathlessly as her friend excused herself leaving them alone, Iker searched her face hoping that he would be able to recognise her better when she removed her mask.

“What is your name?” Iker asked wanting to know what he should call her, he knew that if he didn't have her name then he couldn't be complete. 


Author's Note:

Haha sorry I couldnt resist putting in a little of Disney's Cinderella in here.

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