Chapter Twenty-Eight: Settling In

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Faith shivered a little as she woke up alone in bed, she swallowed as the cold morning air nipped at her skin when she slowly climbed out of bed; she yawned wondering where Iker had gone.

Faith rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she slipped on her grey quilted slipper boot and her pink mid-length dressing gown in an attempt to keep herself warm; it was end of November now and she knew it would get colder.

Carefully opening the golden brown curtains, Faith blinked surprised to see the snow coating the ground; she hadn’t thought that would happen yet.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Iker mused walking back into the bedroom, he smiled at the sight of his mate before he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Faith nodded her head, she had never truly liked snow especially when she had been at the bottom of the clan but now she actually had a chance to enjoy it.

“I put the heating on,” Iker murmured knowing that he didn’t need Faith or Oliver getting sick right now, he was protective of his family and he wanted everything to be okay.

Faith was ten weeks pregnant and Iker knew that things would quickly pass before his pup was born, they were half way through and he couldn’t wait for the birth.

Faith nodded her head, she remembered the last time that it had been like this and she had been pregnant with Oliver; she swallowed recalling how cold and ill, she had gotten.

Iker wouldn’t allow that to happen to her this time and the alpha male wasn’t allowing anyone close to his mate; Iker didn’t want to risk anything happening to them, he knew that she’d had a difficult pregnancy with Oliver and he wanted this one to be so much better for her. 


Faith smiled curling up on the couch, she was still wearing her blue short sleeve top and long polka dot print bottoms; the fire was blazing before her as she cuddled with Oliver, she was glad that they had nothing planned for that day.

They had lived in their new home for nearly a month now and Faith was glad that they had settled so quickly into their new home.

Iker was home most days of the week and Faith was glad that they had some privacy, she spoke to Nadina most days on the phone when she could; her friend was due less than a week and was busy finishing her nest.

Faith swallowed at the idea, she hadn’t nested with Oliver since she knew that without a mate it would be impossible and there was a chance that her father would kill him.

However with this pregnancy, she would have a chance to nest and it made her a little more protective about what she would do this time.

“Faye…” Iker breathed walking into the room, he had stayed home to be his pregnant mate and pup; he hadn’t wanted to leave them alone especially with the weather reports saying that a blizzard was coming in.

Faith looked up at Iker, she smiled at him knowing that their connection allowed him to sometimes pick up on her feelings.

“I’m fine… just thinking about nesting,” Faith reassured him softly, she peeked at Oliver who was taking a nap; she couldn’t believe that it had Oliver was nearly seven months old.

Faith was surprised how fast the first year of his life was going and she knew it wouldn’t be long before he was walking and talking.

Iker nodded his head moving to join Faith, he was sure that she wouldn’t start nesting for another month or two especially since their pup wasn’t due until February.

“Daphne said she’d come and check on you soon,” Iker murmured knowing that he only trusted her with his family, the other doctors would never touch them after what they had done when Faith needed medical treatment.

Faith nodded her head, she was due for a scan and she was hoping that she would be able to see her pup; she had a feeling that she was carrying more than one right now.

“Any ideas what we’re going to have?” Iker mused resting a hand on Faith’s bump, he smiled to himself knowing that he didn’t care as long as it was healthy.

Faith shook her head, she peeked at Oliver who cuddled closer to her body heat; she truly didn’t mind but she was sure that everything would be okay with this pregnancy.

“I think it’s twins,” Faith whispered looking at Iker, she smiled at him wondering how they would cope with three young children; it would be difficult and she would be at home a lot more.

Iker nodded his head, his fingers brushing against the swell of her stomach with a smile; he loved the idea and he would work from him when she did have the pups.

“I’ll start on the nursery in a few weeks… once we are sure,” Iker murmured, he moved to brush some hair from Oliver’s face; he watched the little boy sleeping knowing that everything would be okay.

Faith nodded her head and closed her eyes, she didn’t know what was going to happen but she was hopeful that things would work out for them.


Iker grumbled annoyed as he put down his phone, he looked over at Faith while she watched television; the storm was coming in bad and he was glad that he hadn’t gone into the city.

“Any news?” Faith asked looking at Iker, she knew that things weren’t easy for the clan right now and being away from the city made them a little more relaxed; she knew that they were waiting for news on Nadina and Sergio.

Iker shook his head as he climbed into bed with Faith and pulled her into his body; he purred contently knowing that this was perfect.

“I love you,” Iker murmured pressing a kiss to the top of his head, he couldn’t believe that he was finally able to think about his future and he had a mate to enjoy it with.

Iker didn’t want to admit that sometimes he thought this was a dream, he had waited for so long for Faith to come into his life and he was going to spend the rest of his life with someone like her.

“I love you too,” Faith whispered allowing Iker to brush his fingers against her stomach, she smiled knowing that she was happy and no one would take that from her.

Iker kissed Faith slowly, he would do anything for her and their family; he was sure that it would all be okay, he was looking forward to having more pups with her.

The shrill ring of the telephone made Iker grumble and pull away from Faith, she looked at Iker while he reached for the phone wondering who could be calling them now.

“Hola…” Iker grumbled annoyed he peeked at his mate wishing that they hadn’t been interrupted; he closed his eyes for a moment knowing that the clan was going to be okay.

“What do you mean?” Iker said tensely sitting up, Faith looked at him wondering what had happened; she could see that something had happened and a bad feeling formed in her stomach.

Iker ran a hand through his hair as Fernando gave him details of what had happened barely ten minutes along; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing and he was glad that they had moved.

“Someone set fire to the apartment,” Iker said coming off the phone, he knew it had been a targeted attack and no one knew that they had moved; if they hadn’t Iker’s family would have been killed.

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