Epilogue: Peace at Last

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“I love the names that you choose,” Carmen said fussing over her new grandchildren, she had been so excited when Iker had finally okayed her to come around; it had been a rough two weeks and things were getting better.

Iker nodded his head with a smile as he sat down next to Faith with Oliver on his lap, Martin and Olaya had been welcome additions to their family and everyone was excited to finally meet them.

Iker had been a little territorial after what had happened, he hadn’t wanted anyone around Faith or the pups; he wanted to make sure that nothing happened to them.

“How are you both?” Devon asked watching his sister, he hated that he hadn’t been able to help out when they’d had to deal with everything; he had no idea how Faith and Iker had managed to cope with what had happened.

“We’re good,” Faith replied with the truth, it had been hard especially with knowing that Damien had been so close to accomplishing what he had come to do; if it hadn’t been for Olalla then no one would have survived.

Iker kissed his wife, he didn’t want to dwell on the bad times and he hoped that they wouldn’t have to think about all of that again; Damien and the Garcia family would never cause anyone trouble ever again.

“Have you two considered moving back into the city?” Carmen asked looking to her son, she didn’t like that they were remaining in their home after what had happened; she wanted them back in the city closer to her and José Luis so she could help out with the twins.

Iker shook his head, he was happy in the house even if he had scrubbed the floors several times after what had happened; he wasn’t going to allow anyone drive them from their home.

“We’re happy here,” Faith agreed with Iker, she didn’t see them returning to the city unless they needed to; it had been far too easy for someone to blow up their apartment and they didn’t want to take that risk again.

Carmen pursed her lips but nodded her head, she wasn’t going to give up on them moving; she hoped to make things easier for the couple especially since they now had three children under the age of one.

Oliver babbled happily on Iker’s knee, he was nine months old and already showing how much of a handle he was going to be alongside the twins; the couple were coping since Iker was working from home right now.

“Unai said he might pop around tomorrow,” Carmen said changing the subject, she hoped that Iker would consider allowing his father to come around since the two of them hadn’t spoken in a while.

José Luis still wasn’t fond of the fact that Iker was married to Faith but he was willing to look past it so that he could meet his grandchildren; he was sure that it wouldn’t be hard to get along with Faith if his wife could do it.

“That sounds nice,” Iker murmured eyeing his mother, he missed his brother and couldn’t recall the last time that he had seen him before everything had become crazy.


“Did the twins go down okay?” Faith asked sitting down on their bed, she had just put Oliver down and she was glad for a moment of peace; they’d had lots of visitors that day and it had been hard with the twins and Oliver.

Iker nodded his head smiling at Faith, he was impressed with how she had handled the nosey council members; he hadn’t expected that many people to show up as soon as he had okayed people to visit them in their home.

“They’re sound asleep,” Iker murmured with a tender smile, it was getting late and he knew that only more people would show up tomorrow; it had been so long since the pack had a reason like this to celebrate.

Faith nodded her head as she carefully got into bed, she was exhausted and she doubted that she would get much sleep; she yawned tiredly making Iker smile.

“How are you feeling?” Iker whispered sitting on the bed, he had been keeping an eye on her and he wished he could do more; she did so much with the children and he didn’t want her rushing herself, giving birth to twins had taken a lot out of her.

Faith nodded her head, she had no idea how Iker managed to have so much energy when he was doing the same things as her; she guessed it was down to the fact that her body still needed to recover from birthing the twins.

“I’m fine,” Faith replied climbing under the covers, she had a feeling that Martin and Olaya would be awake in a couple of hours wanting feeding; she would have to get up to feed them and make sure that everything was okay.

Iker watched her for a moment before he too moved to climb into bed, he wrapped his arms around Faith and cuddled her close; he still had horrible nightmares of coming home to find her and their pups dead.

“I love you Iker,” Faith whispered cuddling into her husband’s side, she closed her blue eyes and listened to his heartbeat; they had beaten everything that life had thrown at them and now they could move on to the better things.

“I love you too Faith,” Iker whispered pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he didn’t know what he would have done if Damien had taken her from him; but he was happy that he would never have to find out.



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Claim of the Wolf. 

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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