Chapter 6

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Y/n p.o.v
I heard the door open,

"don't do anything wrong to her." Ciel.

"Like I will." Alois. I closed my eyes as he laid down in front of me.

"I know you're awake." He said.

"You know me well." I opened them. Him stroking Edmund's hair.

"We got the extra stuff for your morning medicine." He said.

"How sweet you had to have Ciel help you." I smiled.

"He made me avoid trying to beat Lizzy." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause she's complaining about you to him. So he didn't give me a chance to since he bonked my head." He explained.

"Lizzy likes to say she loves me but deep deep down in the little speck of black in her heart she hates me." I said.

"Which is something I don't like. She tried questioning the titles as well. She wouldn't last a Day with the queens standards." He said.

"Good to know you'll stick up for me." I joked.

"It's not sticking up. It's taking care of." He said.

"Sure it is." I ruffled his hair. He placed a kiss on my lips.

"Get some sleep." He said.

"Fine." I smiled.


"Get up Madame." Delilah said.

"Highness it's time to wake up." Claude. I sat up. Edmund jumped into my arms already dressed.

"I'm coming." I said. I went into the bathroom to change. Alois was sitting on the bed drinking tea, Edmund next to him watching.

"Earl Phantomhive and his fiancée left just now." Delilah said.

"Come on. Eddy you have to stay." I told him. He shook his head.

"Your mother said you're going to stay." Alois gave his cup to Claude. He shook his head stomping one foot on the ground.

"You can't come. It's no place for a young Lord." I smiled at him. He still did it.

"Let's take him them. I'll keep him busy." Alois said picking him up. We left to go investigate. The Phantomhives barley getting out there carriage.

"Earl Phantomhive." People whispered. Alois got out,

"Earl Trancy!"

"Could start something."

"It's not his carriage." He gave me his hand, I stepped out.

"Madame Devil."

"Come young Lord as your mum calls you." Alois gave him a hand. Eddy took it and we walked over.

"Hey little puppy dog."

"Madame." Ciel smiled. Lizzy stepped out with Sebastian's help. Alois and Eddy were snickering.

"Boys!" I scolded. They stood straight up.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"You get to see how hard our life is since you believe you could do it." Ciel told her.

"Whatever." She said. Eddy shook his head at Alois.

"Your right I'll poison her food later." He told Eddy.

"If you get the chance." Sebastian said.

"He might." Claude shot back. I facepalmed. Children these days. We saw the dead body, spilt up. Lizzy had nothing to say.

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