Chapter 22

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Above are the ringsY/n's p

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Above are the rings
Y/n's p.o.v
"Your not allowed to see him the night before." Adrian said sitting down on the bed.

"But I want to see him." I fake cried in Grells arms.

"Now sweetie the bride can't see the groom til she walks down the aisle." Grell stroked my hair. I gave him puppy eyes.

"Oh Adrian let her see Ciel look at those eyes!" He jolted me in front of him.

"Have you seen mine?" Adrian lifted his bangs.

We both acted amazed at the beauty. I was forced to sleep they're with them.

Ciel's p.o.v
"Sebastian Move!" I said trying to get to the door.

"My Lord I was told that you cannot see the bride till the aisle. It's bad luck. And we don't want anymore do we?" Sebastian asked giving me the cold stare.

"Now what are we doing trying to leave the room?" Somas voice.

"I was going for water." I lied.

"There's some right here!" Agni said with a dark aura just like Sebastian and Soma. Y/n is probably being loved by those two and I'm stuck with these Wierdos.

Undertaker p.o.v
Y/ns asleep while me and Grell add the final touches to her dress. Minus the fact that she loves black, her dress is also black since with tradition if u don't have the parents blessing u can't wear white. "Ciel tried leaving the room earlier." Grell informed me. "I'm aware, we just need them to wed and leave." I giggled. "I need another diamond." He said. I handed him some.

Morning of~

Geoffrey's p.o.v
"Hurry up!" I told Howard, we're having to move things to the Phantomhive manor in the town house since that's where the wedding will be. Everyone is running around trying to transport. I had already gotten most of my stuff done just like Sebastian but we have to look human enough to the Phantomhive servants so we're going a little slower.

"Madame-" I tried as she came out her room.

"Hold on." She sighed walking away. I followed after her.

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