Chapter 21

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Y/n's p.o.v
What am I gonna do with them- Ciel's irritated as it is. 

"Get out." Ciel sighed. They walked off, Sebastian and Geo staying in the room. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"With all due respect I have met with Claude. Only a talk with Trancy will maybe work." Geo said. 

"When?" I asked understanding. 

"You're not talking with that bastard alone." Ciel gave me a look. 

"Then we let them wed the day after us." I gave the look right back. 

"Look let's just focus on the wedding if this gets out of hand then we'll-" 

"As you wish." Geo left. 

"I'll go talk with Trancy." Ciel said. 

"He's not going to listen to you." I sighed. 

"What makes you so sure?" He asked. 

"It's Trancy- you really think it's not possible!" I asked back. 

"I don't need him hurting you!" He yelled. 

"Ciel, he's not going to hurt me." I lied walking out. 

"He's agreed for you to meet at his manor." Delilah escorted me to my room. 

"Then I better change." I sighed.


"Geo is waiting downstairs." Howard said helping Delilah pin a rose in my hair. 

"Ciel?" I asked. 

"In the study with Sebastian." Howard said once more. I went down the steps and carefully put the door. 

"Ready?" Geo asked me. 

"Quite." I smiled.

Ciel's p.o.v
"She never listens." I sighed seeing her leave. She needs to learn to be more slick. 

"Would you like for me to follow her?" Sebastian asked. 


Y/n's p.o.v
"Trancy." I sighed walking in. Geo took my coat and we followed Claude to where he was. 

"Madame Phantomhive!" He exclaimed like a child. 

"Earl." I clicked my tongue. Our butlers walked out and I sat in front of his desk. 

"What brings you here?" He asked. 

"You know why I'm here so explain." I announced. 

"You almost killed my wife-" 

"Soon to be." I corrected. 

"I know you wished that title was yours." He smirked. 

"Like I'd want to be married to the likes of you." I spat. He was ready to strike me, 

"But we did begin planning a wedding remember?" He got closer. 

"Alois- all I'm asking is for you to move the date a week later." I didn't flinch knowing if I do he will see the fear in my eyes. 

"I don't know what do you offer me in exchange for it?" He licked his lips. God I know what he wants, 

"Alois it's very simple, Change. the. Date." I gave him a stern look. The back of his hand made contact with my cheek. I could feel his ring made me bleed. 

"You don't ever get it do you?" He asked. 


"Don't give me that Y/n, you left me and for what? Just to ride mister Earl Phantomhive. Queens best watchdog. Doing it right in front of me, " I tuned him out as I tried backing away. 

He had the whip in his hand- God I don't need another piece of trauma. He threw a knife at me which I caught between my fingers throwing it swiftly back at him. I heard fighting downstairs. I have to be strong, 

"Worthless bitch!" He swung. I felt the contact on my body, I held back my scream. 

"You fucked up." I caught the whip the second time and pulled till he let go, I swung it at him. 

He wiped his cheek with his hand seeing the blood. He flicked his hand and jumped at me. I knocked onto the floor, his legs on either side of my body and smacked me. I felt his warm lips on mine. Why did I hate him- 

"Off!" Geo yelled. 

Alois rolled off and at Geo. I grabbed his vase of flowers and threw it on his head. Claude took down Geo. The blondes hands ran into my hair and slammed me against the wall. I felt how much my body was hurting. He struck me once more with the whip. 

"Stop it!" I screamed knowing I can't win right now. He grabbed me by the face to look at him. 

"I'll change the day on one condition." He smirked. 

"Which is?" I let a shaky breath out. He whispered into my ear what he wanted, 

"I can't do that." I said. 

"Fine then, if you ever touch Lizzy or as to so speak to her wrongly I kill your son in front of your eyes. I'll change the date if you promise for these 2 months coming you don't do that." He let go. 

"Yes sir." I sighed. 

"Get her out of my sight." He walked out the room with Claude. 

"You alright, Madame?" Geo helped me to my feet. 

"Yeah, I'm alright." I smiled. 

"You scared me for being up here too long and Claude wouldn't let me so naturally-." 

"I had a feeling you would play some sort of card like that. Can we just get back to my manor?" I asked. 

"Sure." He smiled.

I walked in and avoided Eddy. Grell followed me upstairs to my room. 

"Where's Ciel?" I asked Delilah as I walked in. 

"Off in the drawing room, shall I-" 

"I will talk with the Madame first before you call him." Grell shut the door on Delilah. 

"Now what did that bastard tell you so I can beat his ass?" He asked jumping from place to place. I cleaned my cuts knowing this isn't the end of Alois's torment. 

"Grell, don't worry about it. All that matters is I got the date changed." 

"You really did?" He asked. 

"Yes- it took some convincing." I sighed turning in my seat to see him. 

"He did hurt you but I guess if both of you will be happy then I don't see a problem with it." He smiled leaving the room. 

"CIEL!" Grell yelled. I facepalmed since Grell isn't subtle. 

"I'm going! Don't touch me!" Ciel walked in. His smile dropped seeing my face. 

"What happened?" He asked touching my face. 

"All that matters is he changed the date" I smiled. 

"Your something else which is why I love you." He sighed with a smile. 

I pulled him by his shirt down to my lips. His hands careered my cheeks as his lips returned the motion.

Welp. Sorry it's Short. I'm writing the whole wedding soon so just 🐻Bear with me. I promise I'll update just been busy.

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Fluffy~Out! ~Nya~

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