Chapter 31 Finale

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Y/n's p.o.v

"Why would Trancy want to kill my children when I've done nothing to them in my state of pregnancy?" I questioned. 

"I've heard that while Elizabeth has been on bed rest and she's only on her 6 month-it's already getting to be so much for her." 

"Still Alois has no point in being jealous of me, he should've had a better butler and staff if he would've wished for a different outcome." I sighed. 

"You think he could possibly be still in love with you?" Grell asked me. 

"I doubt that's an option since he's married into the Midford family and their family is quite a hectic one. Besides Y/n is mine." Ciel smiled. 

"I would've preferred had someone given me this explanation sooner." I rolled my eyes. 

"Had we told you you would be halfway to the Trancy manor ready to set it yourself." Grell stated. 

"Your not wrong but, what are we doing about it?" I asked. 

"We're hoping somewhere in his bipolar mind he'll change courses and maybe we can get away with his threat as just a rumor before the media finds out." 

"But why can't I go outside?" I asked. 

"The reporters wish to ask questions I know won't sit well with you and we don't want the risk of Trancy or someone he hires to come after us." Ciel said extending his hand to me. I took it and we walked back inside. 

"Ciel-" I stopped and so did he. 

"Has Arthur written anything lately?" I asked. 

"No article- would you like for him to?" He proposed. 

"I would've thought you would have asked him, by now to write something to clear this up." I replied. 

"It hadn't occurred to me yet." He shrugged. 

"Of course it hadn't you're usually oblivious." I sighed. 

"Madame, Earl, a message came in." Geo said bringing me the envelope. I opened it and read it quickly then gave it to Ciel. 

"That bastard." He growled.

"What do you propose?" I asked. 

"I'm going to talk to him you shall stay home." Ciel instructed. 

"You don't even know how to talk to Trancy all you're going to do is cause problems." I said. 

"Oh let me guess just because you know him so-" 

"Exactly." I cut him off, Ciel rolled his eyes and walked away. 

"He's not gonna let you go." Geo said. 

"I know that which is why I'm gonna go either way." I walked past Geo and went out the door and to the gate. 

"Don't be an idiot." 

"Go tell him then what I'm gonna do," I told Sebastian. 

"Madame he's going to kill you." I walked away from Sebastian and out to the streets. Everyone stared at me but it's not like it matters anymore. 

"Madam." I walked into Undertakers shop. 

"I need a favor." I smiled.

Adrian's p.o.v

The madam's eyes were at a fierce blue giving me indication shes up to no good. 

"What might I assist you with?" I asked her. 

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