Chapter 3

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3rd person p.o.v
Sebastian left the ball to find out what was up with y/n and Alois. Looking into her window he knew all. This was Claude's doing.

Y/ns p.o.v
I woke up in Alois's arms. His grip tight around me. When did I-

"Morning my wife." He smiled. Right. He did something. But I still love him. I just wish he wasn't so abusive. I don't mind whatever spell he put on me that makes me say other things since Ciel doesn't care for me.

"Morning." I smiled. His lips against mine. This was one thing I use to love, how lovingly he would kiss me.

"I'll get dressed." I said.

"Don't take to long or I'll peek." He joked.

"You'll do it anyway." I said.

"Good point." He smiled. I got dressed after my bath. He was asleep again.

"Go get dressed." I said.

"Do I have to?" He whined.

"Fine then I'll just go wander alone." I said. He got up, I stared.

"Like what you see?" He joked. I looked away.

"What a tease." He pulled my chin up to look at him. My hands trailed down,

"Stop it!" I pushed him back. He got dressed in clothes Claude left.

"The Phantomhives Are here." Delilah said out the door.

"Seems like there finally going to tie the knot." Alois said. It only makes sense,

"Well Lizzy wants children." I said. I went down while he went to see what Edmund was doing with Geoffrey.

"Earl." I smiled.

"We need to talk." He said walking past me. I followed, Lizzy stayed behind. We arrived in my drawing room.

"You're engaged to Trancy again?" He asked.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Why him!" He asked.

"I just- I still love him." I sighed.

"Love! That's what you call it! He's abused you!" He yelled.

"Like you would know what love is!" I yelled back.

"He abused you. He probably even forced you into this engagement for all I know!" He yelled.

"Why do you even care! You have Lizzy! I'm just your friend so what's it matter to you!" I yelled.

"I care since you're close to me! I don't want to find out one day your dead cause of him!" He yelled louder.

"Well sorry that the person I've loved for years doesn't see me that way!" I blurted.

"You probably didn't even talk to him! He probably is waiting for you. If you want I can ask whoever it is for you!" He said. He doesn't get it, thank you that he's dumb at times.

"He's already engaged so I might as well move on with my life." I said.

"But I don't understand why Trancy!" He said.

"At least I love him!" I said.

"Really. All I see is him using you! If he's coming to you that means he's gotten bored with his maid!!" He yelled.

"Quit Yelling!" Alois walked in.

"We heard it outside." Lizzy behind him.

"The Earls leaving." I said.

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