Chapter 27

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Geos p.o.v
"How come you both just told him about the deal?" Sebastian asked. 

"We knew we could keep it under wraps but Y/n was pissed with Lizzy so-" 

"He never asked me so you'll we're lucky." He took the food out to prep the table. 

"Oi! What's for dinner?" Grell threw the back door open. 

"There's a front door you know," Delilah said. 

"What's the point of even scaring Y/n if I do that?" He scoffed.

"Like you're scary." Howard sarcastically responded. 

"I am so!" He walked out. 

"Boo!" Adrian popped in. 

"There's a front door." Bard sighed. He shrugged and walked past, we heard the doorbell ring. 

"Well let Sebastian get it." We all agreed. 

"Get what?" Sebastian walked in. I rolled my eyes and walked to the front of the manor. 

"Hello Lau." I opened the door. 

"What is that lovely smell? I'm starving!" He walked past dropping his suitcase on the floor. 

"You're not staying, are you? Sebastian asked him. 

"Of course I am?! What kind of question is that?!" He shouted. 

"Wheres the Earl?" Ran-Mao asked me. 

"Up the stairs." I sighed. 

Adrian's p.o.v
"Y/N!" I threw the door open to her study. nothing. 

"Y/N!" Grell threw the drawing-room door open. 

"Ah." She sarcastically said. 

"Time to check on the child." We smiled. 

"Can't this wait I'm hungry." She sighed. 

"First check then cake." Lau walked past us. 

"But the baby's fine." She rolled her eyes. 

"A check is still good." Ciel admitted. 

"SSee listen to your husband he's sm-" I made a face. 

"I am smart!" Ciel yelled back. 

"Yeah, that's what we said." Grell shrugged. 

"Adrian!" Delilah yelled. 

"Welp. I will be right back." I smiled. 

"What did you break?" Ciel facepalmed. 

"Oh don't worry about it." I assured and walked out to the kitchen. 

"Yes~?" I asked. 

"How does she look as of right now?" Geo asked. 

"Fine, but are you sure we shouldn't tell them complications might happen during childbirth or in the 8th and 9th month?" I asked. 

"We are 7 months in let's not break the silence to tell them one might die or she might give birth to a premature." Sebastian said. 

"If we keep this silent they might find out. how are we not sure that she could be in early labor?" Delilah asked. 

"That's why we do the checkups every week and as the month ends we will be spending time here." I smiled. 

"I'm not cooking for all of them." Howard threw his apron on the floor. 

"I don't think we have a choice." Bard groaned. 

"The madame has had more cravings and then how-" 


"FUCK!" We all yelled and bolted out, Alois was already up the stairs. Geo and Sebastian ran past us. 

Grell's p.o.v
I heard the yell and quickly locked the doors. 

"What is it Grell?" Y/n asked. 

"Oh, nothing sweetie." I assured. 

"Your sweating." Ciel rose an eyebrow. 

"No, I'm not." I shook my head furiously. 

"Sutcliff." Ciel changed his tone. 

"Hide the boy." I quickly said. 


"DEVIL!" We heard. 

"Oh that's why." Y/n sighed with a smile. 

"Eddy." Ciel called him. Eddy ran to Lau and Ran-Mao. 

"There's a-" Ciel tried.

"Yes, yes, we know." They moved the curtain and opened the secret door. Ciel had a shocked look on his face which made Y/n laugh. 

The door opened. 

"Where is it?" He asked. 

"Alois get out!" Ciel said. 

"This doesn't concern you or should I tell him?" Alois asked. 

"Tell me what?" Ciel gave a look to Y/n. 

"I don't give a fuck." Y/n boldly stated. 

"We made a deal, so where is my contract?" He asked. 

"Why are you so worried about it if we both-" 

"You know about the loophole so quit bullshitting me." He was frustrated as frustrated could get. I snickered just like Ciel. 

"I had Sebastian take care of it." Ciel burst out laughing. 

"You son of a bitch!" Alois's eyes turned red. 

Ciel's p.o.v
"She came to me after your stunt so I suggest you walk out." I stood up. 

"Oh please, I'm not afraid of you." Alois spat. 

Grell smiled and walked out. 

"I knew you were gonna come sooner or later to me and my pregnant wife so I made a deal with a reaper." I threw my tea at him. Y/n was happily smiling. 

"Lizzy's in trouble if you so as to touch my wife- that reaper will do whatever you do to my angel to your bitch." I laughed. 

"Fu-" He came for me, I put my gun to his head. 

"Boom, no father."  Y/n smiled. 

"I'm not done with you." He yelled. 

"Just admit you still love me almost everyone does." She rolled her eyes. 

"I don't, but after everything you did I have to show you consequences but I'm sure once you give birth you'll understand them." He smirked. 

"That a threat?" I asked. 

"Oh, no- just a thought." He laughed. 

"Alois, get out." Geo told him. 

"Of course you haven't told them. You want to be the best grandfather you can be, but they'll know soon enough I mean- I and Lizzy know the risks." He shrugged. 

"Let's see if you'll be able to walk Earl Trancy." Sebastian held up utensils. 

"I'll see myself out- say hi to Eddy for me. I'm sure he'll love his new sibling, and the death of his mother." He smiled. 

"Tra-" Geo held me back, I gave a look to my butler. 

"I'm under contract Geoffrey." he sighed. 

"Damn it." Geo let me go. 

"What does Trancy mean by-" Y/n looked to Geo.

"Darling little girl- guess there's no point in hiding it." He sat down just as I did. 

"You can't lie to me that nothing is going on." I pointed my finger at my idiot demon. 

"I know, I know, my lord." He sat down as well, the staff immediately walked in and sat around. 


Fluffy~Out! ~Nya~

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