Chapter 15

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[•~•] on to that awkward shit.
Y/n's p.o.v
He went in and out.

"Faster~" I moaned.

"What did I tell you?" He asked placing kisses on my leg.


"Not at all." He smiled kissing me. I returned it.

Our tongues fighting for dominance. He got my spot making my mouth wider and his tongue winning.

"Faster." I said as he bit my neck.

I can feel his smirk. I moaned giving him signal he found my spot. He sucked, bit, kissed in that area. Abusing it so to call it.

"Faster." I huffed. He moved a little faster. Both making us moaning messes.

"Please Ciel~"

"Angel~" he moaned going even faster.

"Mon Cher~" I moaned. It turned into an inhuman speed. God it feels so good!

"I'm gonna give u a child." He moaned.

"I'm gonna~"

"Let it out. To the heavens angel." He threw my other leg over his shoulder.

"Ciel!" I came all over his cock.

He still kept going; He pulled me up to ride him. massaging, kissing, sucking, licking my breasts. I pulled his hair gaining a loud moan from him. His lips met mine again. I felt his cock twitching. He sensed it as well and threw himself back on top. Even faster, our kisses turning sloppier. I moaned loudly as he hit my spot making me cum again.

"Y/n" he moaned.

"Ciel." I pulled his hair once more feeling myself at another climax. I released.

"~Angel~" he moaned releasing. I felt his cum fill me up, he pulled out letting the rest fall on me.

"It felt so good." I smiled.

"You felt good" he smiled. Alois would never do this. He always just let go on top of me. Well never mind Alois. His lips traced mine.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled back. He laid back, I got close as he wrapped his arms around me.

"How much you want to bet the whole estate heard us?" I asked.

"Round 2 only the staff heard us." He chuckled.

"Deal." I smiled.

"We should probably get dressed." He said. We got dressed. I almost fell over till he caught me.

"Did I fuck you that much or too hard?" He grinned. I felt my face turn red at his nasty comment.

"Both." I squeaked.

He carried me bridal style out and to the drawing room. Everyone was calm well Mey-Rin and Finny had a bloody nose.

"I told you only the staff heard." He smiled picking me up.

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