Chapter 14

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Y/n's p.o.v
We ate breakfast after Geoffrey told me there just cleaning the estate up and it should be safe to go back. but i actually enjoy the town house maybe cause i know it'll soon be mine and ciel's or just that were all here without feeling like burdens towards each other. the blush on ciel's face ism still there. i saw his nose bleeding. "*clearing throat*" "*clearing throat*" ciel looked at sebastian. "my lord your nose." sebastian was holding back a laugh. ciel began to put tissues to it. "oooo. what dirty things were going through your mind?" ran-mao asked him. "shut up!" ciel said. "he was probably thinking bout what else y/n can do with-" grell looked at eddy. "her time here. like redecorating." grell caught himself. "nice save." i sarcastically said. "CIEL!" we heard. "Lady back up!" finny yelled. i face-palmed. delilah came in swooped eddy out with his plate. "madame." geoffrey took my plate away pouring wine in my cup. it was in the tea kettle but none will tell the difference. "CIEL!" the voice was getting closer. "madame?" grell looked at me trying to know what was i gonna do. ciel sipped his tea as we waited. "Ciel!" lizzy said standing in the dinning room with us. "yes?" ciel asked. she went off on him. something bout why didnt she go visit her or whatever. grell was taking notes of it. lau smiling while ran-mao kept eating. a blindfold went around my eyes. "come madame." soma said. i followed, well he guided me. "what?" i took it off seeing we were in his room. he wasn't facing me, i looked in the mirror. taking a deep breath. "the others could've known. they were going blue as a fire." he informed me. "sorry."i let a nervous laugh out. "it bugs u that shes here?" he asked. i nodded. "wheres the bitch!" "ill kill her!" i was going for the door. no- dont! just give an order." soma gave me a nice idea. "Geoffrey this is an order. send the people who were coming after me to the door." i smiled. "wait what?!" soma yelled. he ran out while i smiled at myself in the mirror. pure devil. i went down. "sup bitch." i told lizzy. "whore." she replied back. geoffrey left laughing since he was just waiting for me to walk back into the dining room. "whats up with him?" grell asked. "i told him something he still cant forget." i smiled. "listen here. he has been cheating on u." lizzy told me. "he has?" ran-mao asked. "what r we talking bout?" lau asked. i heard noises. "MADAME!" "wait i know that voice." grell looked at me. "today's the day!" he yelled. gunshots went off. ciel looked at me and grinned. my staff delt with the people. grell and me going to the front. "devil. red head." the person said. "thanks for the tie up but i dont need another." i smiled pulling my gun out. i could hear someone else's gun. grell went to stand next tot the guy. i caught the bullet with 2 fingers letting it fly out the window. "impossible." the guy muttered. "like ive said since this is my estate and shes my wife-" ciel came round the corner lizzy behind him. "you and the midford?" the guy asked. "no more. its the madame and earl now." grell informed. a bullet his my shoulder. "wait they're no human!" he yelled seeing it didnt effect me. Lizzy's eyes widened. "*snicker* dead man tell no tell." ciel smirked. i pulled the trigger. the guy dropped. grell looked at the record while we delt with lizzy. "shouldn't that be looked at?" she asked. now she wants to be worried. i rolled my eyes. "im fine ill just get sick a little but im fine." i assured since lau gave me my medicine. "Elizabeth please. i dont want anything to do with u." ciel told her. "fine. hope shes a better wife then i was. just know i did most things she wont do for you!" lizzy began walking to the door. "like nag." i smiled. "i love you." ciel spun me into his arms. "Hmph!" lizzy slammed the door while we went back to the kitchen. soma came out from under the table. "were u that scared?" i asked. he nodded. agni came out from under and began going to the kitchen. we laughed.

ciel's p.o.v
this angel is the light of my world. no one understands why i call her it if her name is madame devil. but honestly shes the one who protects me from my wrong doing and she does everything with a purpose. eddy came out he kitchen holding a rose. it looks like one thats not in my garden. "where'd u get that?" y/n asked him. panic in her voice. "whats wrong?' i asked in her ear. "garden. told me to give." eddy smiled. everyone left to go do there day errands. "edmund. who gave it to you?" y/n asked again. "does mummy not like it?" he asked. "i just want to know." she grinned. "you dont like it!" he whined. "edmund." she said. "no u dont like it. im not telling!" he huffed. "bubba who gave it to u?" i asked. he shook his head with a pout. "Edmund L/N! i asked u who gave it to u!" y/n said looking him in his eyes. he cried, "did he have that mark earlier?" i looked at his arm. "did u fall down?" i asked touching it. he screamed with a nod. "come here." she opened her arms and he ran right in. he didnt seem to sure bout that nod. a black roset. i feel like I've seen this at someones estate just not sure whos. He began to calm down. "I like the flower I just want to make sure ur safe." Y/n told him. "I'm fine mummy." He told her. "Sebastian was there anyone in the garden with him?" I asked. "Not that I could sense or see." He informed. "I've got work to do so u can spend time with Ciel." Y/n told him. "Okay." Eddy grabbed my hand and off we went outside my gates and into town. People were watching. "Look papa!" Ciel referred to some funtom candys. I smiled and walked with him in. "Earl Phantomhive! And Madame devils son." The employees freaked out a lil. "Pick something bubba." I smiled. He went straight for the candy. They know I don't pay. I left a tip when he picked out the candy he wanted. "Let's go!" He said. "Alright. Thank u!" I said as we left. He held my hand as we walked using the other to hold his lollipop. "Earl Trancy." Someone whispered. "He's gonna start something with the Earl Phantomhive." Trancy bumped into me. "So sorry-oh it's just u." He smiled. "Trancy." I pulled eddy close to me. "Sir we'll be late." Claude was walking ahead. "Good day." Trancy spat leaving. "Tch. Little girl." I sighed. "Look papa!" Eddy referred to Sebastian coming our way with a not pleased look. "Run!" I said. We ran off to another area. Him smiling. He had another rose in his hand. "We're u get that?" I asked. "The floor." He smiled. "It's pretty. Well give it to ur mum." I awkwardly smiled. We arrived back to the manor. "Eddy!" Y/n swooped him up. "Hi mummy!" He giggled. She put him down and let him go play with Lau and ran-mao who were outside. "He found this." I handed her the rose. "U don't have these in ur garden." She sighed. "I know. U do but I feel like someone else does." i said trying to figure it out. we went out to the garden. lau and ran-mao drinking tea. eddy was off somewhere. "edmund!" y/n yelled. he came round a hedge. a rose in hand but a mark on his face. "wered u get the rose?" y/n asked. he shook his head. "eddy what happened to ur face?" i asked. he shook his head tears beginning to form in his eyes. i heard a noise, y/n picked eddy up consoling him. i saw blonde and ran after what the noise was. i jumped seeing it was alois. i punched and hit, "dont be touching my son!" i yelled. "ive know him more than you!" alois spat in my face. "but he calls me papa! i got him to talk." i yelled grabbing my pocket knife. "i give her more pleasure than you!" he yelled. i stuck it in his arm. he yelped and kept trying to get me off him. "dont be touching him or her!" i yelled. "watch me." he threw me off tackling me. i stuck it back in his shoulder, sebastian pulled alois off me. "claude!" alois yelled. sebastian dropped him and protected me from claudes hit. "u watch ur so called family!" he threatened. "BITCH!" i yelled ready to jump. "ciel." i heard. i left going back to y/n. eddy was knocked out. "whats wrong with him?" i asked. "i dont know he started calming then knocked out." she sounded worried. "ill take a look." lau grabbed eddy from her. "Who was it?" she asked touching my cheek. "Alois." I removed her hand from my face. "That makes sense he too has those roses." She sighed. "He's gonna be Fine." I smiled. She hit my chest playfully and walked away. I followed. "Come on talk to me." I sighed seeing her go to our room. "Angel~." She ignored me. We walked in, I threw her on the bed and got on top. "Don't ignore me!" I said. "It was fun though." She smiled. "Everything's gonna be Fine. Don't worry." I assured. I felt my cheeks get hotter just by my thought. "What'd u do?" She asked seeing the blush. "Nothin." I'm holding back. "Ciel?" Her fingers intertwined with my hand I accidentally let go. A quiet moan escaped her lips. "Want me to take him off ur mind?" I asked. She was silent from embarrassment. I pushed myself against her. "I need an answer angel~" I smiled. She held back the moan. "Come on. Don't be shy~" I nibbled her ear. I could feel the heat from her cheeks rising. "Y/n~" I felt her fingers slowly moving into my hair.  My lips met hers tasting the tea we've both had. She flipped me over. "Damn~" I moaned. She placed hickeys all over my neck. I dug my fingers into her hips. She moaned in my ear sending the chills down my spine. I moaned with her. "What do u want me to do to u?" I asked. "Mm..fuckkkk.. me senseless.." she moaned. "Don't mind if I do." I flipped her under me getting her clothes off. She wrapped her legs around me pulling me closer. I gave her her pleasure. Moan after moan coming out. I squeezed her left nipple while licking the other.  Moving myself down the shaft. Her hips grinding with the more I licked her lower stomach. "" She moaned. I moved down. Sticking two fingers right into her. Seeing her back arch in pleasure is making me horny. "Im-" I pulled them out sticking my tongue in. Exploring around, being shot with her liquid making me taste the sweetness. "I couldn't hold it-" she breathed. I kept going, more moans coming out. She pushed me back and began unbuttoning my shirt struggling a little. I quietly laughed, helped her get it off while she went for my lower half. "Eager?" I asked. She grabbed me, I moaned. "Aren't u?" She asked slowly licking my friend. "Don't tease me." I said. "But you teased me~" her grin showed all. I forced her down. She kept sucking and going all over. I pushed her off throwing one leg over my shoulder. "You've been quite bad haven't u?" I asked. "So?"'she asked. "I should punish u then." I smiled. "I haven't done anything wrong." She huffed. "Too bad~" I slowly went in. Pulling back out slowly.

End of chapter. This is awkward. [•~•] Will continue into next one.

Fluffy~Senpai Out! ~Nya~

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