Chapter 26

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Y/n's P.o.v
Ciel just sat there not saying a word after I explained to him.

"I did it for a good reason." I tried.

"I know that Y/n but why tell me now when the contracts almost over?" He asked.

"He's gotten more aggressive." I shrugged.

"Darling~ he almost tried throwing a knife at your stomach. If Geo wasn't their whos not to say you would've lost the child!" He said.

"Ciel just listen, please. I need you to help me break this. I can't do another month." I held back my tears.

"I'll see what I can do." He sighed.

"Ciel-" He looked up from his paperwork.

"I love you." I smiled. He got up walked around the desk. He put a hand on the armrest and bent over, his lips met mine with a faint smirk on his face.

"I love you more." He caressed my cheek.

Ciel's P.o.v
I made her blush, she walked out,

"Sebastian, quit hiding." I said.

"I wanted to see if you were gonna be a gentleman." He shrugged.

"Oh, like I'm gonna flip out on her!"

"With you, I never know. Geo was also out the door just in case." He added.

"Whatever. I need you to go find his contract, if I'm correct on every demon contract if you are to lose the paper copy the contract can break." I sighed.

"I know, I know, which is why I'm still connected to you." He rolled his eyes.

""You're going to lose it and then I'll eat your soul" and look at us now. I'm gonna be a father soon." I smirked.

"Yes, yes." He walked out.

I sighed and finished up what I was doing then to go make sure Eddy was behaving.

"Papa- town!" He smiled.

"You want to go into town?" I asked.

"Yes." He smiled again.

"It's getting late we won't make it on time." I ruffled his hair.

"Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled taking his hand in mine.

"Where's the Madam?" I asked as Delilah passed by.

"Her study sir." She smiled.

"Let's pay mumzie a visit shall we?"

"Yay!" I opened the door to Y/n's study finding her asleep.

"My love~" I cooed.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Tired." She sat up.

"Want to go to the room and cuddle?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." She smiled.

"Of course you are." Eddy said, she gave him a look.

"Papa says it all the time!" He smiled, Y/n gave me a look.

"Now Edmund- what did we say about when we talk?" I lowered myself to his level.

"That mummy eats all the cake." He smiled.


"No, Eddy- that we don't talk about that." I chuckled nervously. Sebastian walked in.

"Yes?" I asked.

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