Chapter 28

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Y/n's P.o.v
"There is a potential risk with Y/n's pregnancy." 

"Which is?" Ciel asked. 

"Since she is partial demon just like you there is a high risk that during labor either she could die or the child might." Sebastian explained. 

"Which is why we're here a lot lately." Adrian smiled. 

"But why wait till-" I tried. 

"There was no point in stressing you two, if I'm correct- had you both known you'll both would've adopted am I correct?" Geo gave me a look. 

"yes, sir." I rolled my eyes. 

"As of right now you're perfectly fine usually in the 7 month period sickness comes and goes a lot which shows then the risk of death." lau stated. 

"So Lizzy-" Ciel made a motion with his hand. 

"Lady Elizabeth is in good shape just as madam Y/n is. Had she taken the knife to her stomach it could've been infected and made her sick, which is what I believe Alois was trying to do." Delilah explained. 

"But really, Ciel ran to me to get a contract." Grell smiled. I looked over at Ciel. 

"I didn't run." Ciel rolled his eyes. 

"really? you said- "Grell, I need a contract immediately there is no time to wait in case of any risk." you were sweating so much a towel could've been soaked and squeezed to let water drip." Grell shrugged. I looked over at my husband who was blushing.

"Sebastian?" I looked over,

"He was." He laughed. 

"I told you not to tell!" Ciel yelled. 

"But did you order him?" Ran-Mao asked. We all burst out in laughs as Ciel spoke not a word. 

"Alright, we have dinner to prepare since these 4 are staying." 

"What do you mean 4 make it 6." In Soma walked in.

"Hi-"He hugged me, 

"Woah!"Ciel exclaimed. 

"Sorry! How do you feel?" Soma asked me. 

"Fine- I do want some cake-" I was cut off by Soma yelling. 

"Agni, bring my sister some cake!" 

"Right away prince!" 

"No, she can not have cake!" Geo interuppted. 

"Why not? She demands it!" Soma asked turning away from me. 

"She didn't demand a damn thing-!" Ciel tried to interfere knowing Geo's tactics. 

"We have dinner soon and I do not need her full." Geo said. 

"The prince asked me to-" Agni tried. 

"I told you no." Agni's aura dropped into a gloomy state. 

"Get her cake! The child is hungry too, she'll be able to eat a meal later!" Soma attempted again. 

"No cake!" Geo yelled. Soma's aura dropped just like Agni's. I smiled as Geo walked out. 

"He's meaner." Soma whined. 

"It is 7 months in so we've had to listen." Ciel sighed reading his book. 

"You think he'll be mad to learn were staying?" He asked.

"Oo, he's gonna be pissed." I smiled. 

"I told you." Agni said. 

"Well I didn't know!" Soma defended. 

"Mey-Rin!" Ciel rang a bell.

"Coming sir!" We waited, 

"Set up a room for the prince and his butler." Ciel stated as soon as she walked in. 

"Geo's gonna be pissed." She chuckled walking out. 

"Why does everyone say that?" Soma's voice got panicky. 

"He's just an old grandpa." I shrugged. 

"Little girl I have raised you better!" Geo yelled walking in with a tray of tea. I was quiet, 

"Did you hear?" Ciel asked taking a sip from his cup. Soma and Agni were making signals at Ciel to not say a word. 

"The Prince and his butler are spending time with us."Ciel chuckled. 

"You couldn't have said so ahead of time!" Geo yelled. 

"Well-" Soma shrugged. 

"Is that what Mey-Rin's doing?" He asked, I nodded.

Ciel's P.o.v
Geo sighed since Y/n gave him a look to calm down. 

"Don't worry, it's fine." She smiled. 

"You don't understand miss, these idiots are staying with us who knows what they'll do." He sighed. 

"Everything's replaceable." I stated since I've had my shares of people breaking things. 

"I suppose your right." Geo shrugged. 

"He's meaning because then the madam will have to be more careful or that they won't give you'll space." Sebastian cleared up Geo's meaning. 

"Makes sense." Y/n and I stated. I gave a look to Y/n, she smiled and we walked out hand in hand. they can figure it out. 

"Bloody hell, I'm tired." I yawned. 

"You haven't done a single thing." She laughed. 

"I have so." I admitted stopping in my tracks. 

"Which is?" She rose an eyebrow, I got closer, 

"Loving you." I pecked her lips leaving her face red. 

"Ciel, I was meaning something important!"  

"It is important- now come on." I smiled taking her hand back in mine. 

"Ciel, where are we going?" 

"To the kitchen." I smiled. 

"For what?" She asked. 

"You wanted cake and so do I." I shrugged opening the door quietly since they were preparing the table. 

I grabbed a slice of cake while Y/n grabbed a biscuit and a slice. We went out the backdoor and walked around eating what we took. 

"You've got some on your face." She smiled. 

I wiped one side, she shook her head. I wiped the other making her roll her eyes. Guess I smeared it and made it worse. She wiped it off then proceeded to lick the frosting off her finger. 

"Sweet." She smiled. 

"Ciel-" Her smiled dropped. 

"What's wrong my angel?" I caressed her cheek. 

"What if-" 

"Nothings going to happen. we both know that. we have the best doctors and staff to know if something were to happen." I assured. 

"Yeah but, Geo's not saying something. It is obvious." She sighed. 

"If he's hiding something else it's for us not to worry." I assured. 

"Geoffrey has his ways of keeping secrets-" She wanted to elaborate. 

"My love, don't think about it." I placed my lips over hers. She sighed in relief, slowly moving them in sync with mine. 

"MASTER AND MADAM!" We heard from the manor causing us to break apart and laugh. 

"He found out." I smiled.


Fluffy~Out! ~Nya~

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