Chapter 20

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Y/n's p.o.v
"Angel~" I opened my eyes to see Ciel's eyes meeting mine. 

"Edmund?" I asked. 

"With Geo." He smiled, he ran his fingers through my hair. 

"Do I have to get up?" 

"Yes, Geo said you have a busy day which means I have a busy day." I went and got dressed seeing as I have a "busy day". Ciel smiled seeing me dressed and ready before him. 

"Hurry up you two!" Geo yelled. 

"Now you have to eat in the carriage!" Sebastian yelled. 

We left and off to do things, keeping us busy for the rest of the week. Although Alois threatened us and nothing happened our days in America are over and we're at Ciel's estate now. But we're now planning our wedding with more thought, since it got colder than it was in America. 

"Y/n, so we're splitting up and meeting where?" Ciel asked. 

"Don't you have to do something?" Geo said. 

"Right, I'll see you back at the manor." I smiled. 

"Alright." Ciel gave me a look meaning I better watch out or he'll send his dumb butler. I went to my fitting as the guys wanted to make sure it fit around my arms. 

"Oooo! Perfect!" Grell smiled. 

"How was America?" Undertaker asked stitching my veil. 

"Fine, minus that Ciel got a threat from Alois." I informed. 

"He tends to be that way but makes sense why you told him to meet here." Grell gave Adrian another jewel. 

"It's safer than having Ciel find out where I was." I sighed. 

"Well I'll be stitching this some more so go change." I was instructed, I changed and went to go wait for Alois. Them two in the back making my veil. 

"Madame." I heard as the door opened. 


"A death shop, nice place for a date." 

"This isn't a date. Now, your letter?" I threw it at him. 

"What about it." He caught it. 

"Thanks to you Ciel saw it." 

"So?" He scoffed. 

"Then you sent him a threat. Bastard!" I yelled. 

"Doll, you know my intentions are the same. You just choose not to see them." He smirked. 

"Quit calling me that and don't send me shit." I said. 

"Come now, you enjoyed my jealousy and rage." He got closer. 

"Alois- you are an asshole. That letter was-" 

"Doll, you just can't accept what I tell you." He smiled. 

"I'd rather be dead than believe you." 

"Have fun with that- 

"Madame, I couldn't lie too Ciel." I heard Geoffrey. 

"You know everything backfires on you." He smirked. 

"Madame-" I heard Adrian as the door opened. 


"Hello, Earl Phantomhive!" Alois greeted. 

"Y/n." Ciel looked me dead in the eyes. 

"Welp, nice seeing ya! I'll let you'll talk about things." He laughed leaving. 

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