Chapter 29

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Y/n's P.o.v
We sat down and ate, I got this horrible feeling in my stomach so I proceeded to not eat. 

"Cake?" Sebastian offered. 

I denied causing Ciel to look at me worryingly. I assured myself I was fine as Eddy went off to play so I decided to follow him to the garden. 

"Madam, whatcha doin?" Adrian came over. 

"Watching the kid." I motioned to Eddy. He smiled, 

"What a great mother you'll be." He patted my head. 

"I've been a good mother." I defended. 

"I know, I know." He shook it off. The pain worsened a little, 

"You alright?" He asked. 

"Yeah, just a little pain." I smiled shaking it off. 

"Let me-" 

"Adrian, I'm fine," I assured. 

"Y/n!" Soma yelled tumbling to us. We moved out the way as he landed flat a couple of meters away. 

"Geo, told me to check on you." He smiled. 

"Tell Geoffrey, if he's worried about me he can come to check on me." I rolled my eyes. 

"I did." Geo was behind us. Adrian backed up with Soma. 

"Adrian, do a check on her," Geo ordered and walked away. 

I sat there confused till Adrian was having Eddy run back to the house and Soma carrying me in. We went up to the room, Lau and Adrian began doing a check-up. They gave each other worried faces but then smiled and walked out. Grell walked in, 

"Hello Madam Devil!" he smiled. 

"Grell, what are they talking about?" I asked sitting up in my bed. 

"Oh, don't worry yourself about it. They wouldn't even tell me." he smiled assuringly. I felt a harsher pain then the last one and reached out for Grell's support. He held onto my hand. 

"You sure you're alright? I can get-" 

"No, I'm fine it's just a crazy stomach ache." I sighed. 

"Y/n I don't think it is- you're in a lot of pain." He tried again. 

"Grell, I'm-" I let out a scream at the needle-like pain. Geo opened the door along with Lau and Adrian. I heard running so that must be Soma to go get Ciel. 

"Y/n, where does it hurt?" Geo asked me. 

"It's just-"

"No Y/n, I need to know," He explained. 

"Geo, why-" 

"You're going into labor, Madam." Adrian explained rushing to get water from the bathroom. 

"That's impossible she's not due for another-" Ciel tried. Wow, he got here quick. 

"No sir, I'm afraid she's due." Geo sighed helping with the staff. 

"I'm not though." I tried convincing. 

"Geo, how did you not-" Lau wanted to yell at him. 

"It was not the right time to tell her." 

"You knew she's been 9 months pregnant?" Ciel yelled rushing to my side. 

"Yes, I also know the gender but that's beside the point. We can all agree it was not the best time." Geo sighed as Adrian moved the blankets over; Delilah got a bucket of water ready. 

"Wait what if-" 

"Nothings going to happen, we're here for you." Soma assured. 

"Madam, you're gonna need to push." Adrian stated. 


"Darling, you will be fine." Ciel placed a kiss on my cheek. 

I looked around the room at everyone. Sebastian was helping Delilah with blankets and water for the baby. Grell standing by while Adrian, Lau, and Geo were gonna help deliver the baby. Ran-Mao holding a sleeping Edmund. Who knows where Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard, and Howard might be- but I know they're celebrating. 

"Push, madam." I pushed with all my might.

 "You're doing great." Ciel whispered into my ear. 

"Push Madam." Adrian said. I let out another push and another. 

"One more Y/n." Geo said. Ciel held onto my hand, I let out a yell as I pushed again. 

"I can see the head, come on Madam Devil!" Lau instructed. I let out another yell with my push. 

"Come on madam!" Geo yelled with Adrian. I let out another yell holding onto Ciel for dear life as I pushed. I heard cries and instantly let out a cry of joy but also pain washed over.

"Ciel, hurry up, Madam- stay awake." I heard but couldn't see, all I felt was Ciel leave my side.

Ciel's P.o.v
"Its a girl!" Geo yelled as the cries were let out. Y/n let out a cry. 

"Ciel, hurry up, Madam- stay awake." I moved over to where Geo was and grabbed the little girl and was directed to Delilah. She helped me bathe her but wouldn't let me pay attention to what was happening with Y/n. I heard a scream from her and tried looking, 

"Master, what blanket?" Sebastian directed my attention away from Y/n. 

"Sebastian, what's going on??" I asked. 

"There doing the best they can." He assured leading me to the restroom. 

"No Sebastian, what's going on you can't tell me a lie!" I argued trying to turn back. 

"She's awake still but they're trying for her not to die of blood loss." He explained, 

"I have to-" I tried turning but Ran-Mao got in front of me. 

"Look you have a son and daughter." She smiled. 

"Ciel-" I heard Geo's name and turned around following back into the room. 

"Mon Cher." Y/n smiled, 

"She's lovely." Geo smiled looking at the sleeping girl I was holding. 

"Glad to see we got a daughter." I smiled placing a kiss on Y/n's cheek. 

"Wheres Edmund?" She asked still crying. 

"Eddy-" I called, he walked over and jumped on the bed. 

"This is your new sister." Y/n explained to him. 

"Yay!" He smiled. 

"What shall you name her?" Grell asked. 

"How about-"

I can't believe this story is almost over.  DRILL!

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