Chapter 11

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Ciel's p.o.v
I went after them two. Eddy was whisked away by Delilah and Geoffrey while I took Y/n to her room. 

"Ciel! Put me down!" She said. 

I plopped her on her bed. Automatically getting on top of her. Her cheeks flushed a dark red almost the color of grells hair. I laughed. Soon I felt the shivers down my spine and the heat rising on my cheeks when I felt her lips on mine. 

"I'm sorry. I just-" 

"Got jealous?" She smirked once we pulled for air. 

"A little." I can't deny it. 

"You wanna change that?" She asked the tint getting darker on both our faces. 

I carefully placed my lips on hers, tracing them, her fingers running through my hair, my blush returned once she over dominated me, getting on top and going at my neck. I pulled her in more with each motion by her hips. Gaining a moan from her, the vibration against my jaw set me on edge. I pulled her back to my lips. Feeling my dick getting excited. She moaned when I did let myself get fully hard. 

"Madame. Earl!" A knock on the door, she sat down like nothing happened after pushing me off the bed. 

"Damnit!" I yelled as the door opened. She threw a pillow at me, I put it right in front- 

"Haha! He's Horny!" Grell yelled. 

"Damn you!" I yelled while Y/n smiled. 

"What is it Grell?" Y/n asked. 

"Just came to see how the newly weds are doing!" He smiled. 

"We're doing just fine." I said clearing my throat. 

"Oohh was I interrupting?" He wiggled his eyebrows. 

"YES!" I yelled. 

He smirked and walked out while Sebastian walked in. Sebastian took a look and began laughing. 

"Shut up!" Y/n and I yelled. 

"Sorry. Dinners.. ready." He walked out laughing.

~~~~Later in the night~~~~

Y/n's p.o.v
"LET GO!" 

"Bitch! I'm doing the best for you and this is how you repay me!" Alois spat in my face. hands at my neck. 

"Alois!" I begged. 

"I know you're close to breaking you damn doll! But answer me! What the fuck was that!" He yelled in my ear. I kicked him off. 

"I didn't do anything he did it. Calm down please." I tried. 

"Really! No wonder they killed your parents. Useless piece of shit!" He had pure anger in his eyes. 

"Alois. Ciel doesn't notice why Lizzy hates me. Please he didn't mean to get mad he's just dealing-" 

"Like I give a shit! He talks to you sometimes like you're nothing or like you're his wife. You're mine now understand that!" His hands squeezing my neck. 

The tears running off my face. My fingers trying to pull him off. 

"Now doll. Who do you belong to?" His grip loosened. "Alois Trancy." I cried. 

"There. There." His lips traced mine. 

"Alois, I have work to attend to." I pulled away.

"It can wait." He pushed me to the bed. 

"I really-" 

"What did I say?" He slapped me-

A scream came out my mouth. I felt the tears streaming down my face. 

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