Chapter 24

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Delilah's p.o.v
I went up the steps to the drawing room.

"Lunch is almost ready." I smiled. Y/n gave me a look. I gave one back knowing my eyes turned red.

"We'll be there soon." Ciel grinned. I walked back down and outside with Howard and Geo.

"She had to create a contract?" I asked.

"It was the only way for him not to have the wedding after there's." Geo said.

"Now we have to protect her and the child she's bearing." I lit my cigarette.

"You were just judging Bard." Howard gave me a look.

"I smoke outside. He doesn't." I shrugged.

"Geoffrey." Agni opened the back door. Geo walked in.

"Alois is bound to come back." I put out my cig.

"So what do you suggest?" Howard asked.

"I'm gonna go lock the front gate you go lock the back one." I walked off. Finny was tending to the garden so I had ease locking the front gate.

"Hello demon." I turned to face the gate again.

"Your one too." I responded back.

"Yes we'll, here you go just something from my master." Claude walked off. I put the note in my pocket and back inside.

Howard's p.o.v
Delilah gave me a look so I went up to the drawing room.

"Lunch is being served but Madam Y/n might I have a word with you?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled following me to the kitchen. Ciels staff walked out,

"Trancy has sent you a note." Delilah gave her the piece of paper.

"What did Trancy say?" Y/n asked.

"He wishes to speak with you on behalf of the contract." Geo gave her something to drink.

"He said it in front of the staff didn't he?" She asked. We nodded,

"Shit." She sighed.

"We leave for your manor later today so you decide what you're going to do." I walked away with a plate of food. Howard did the same and helped serve.

Y/ns p.o.v
I sat down to eat,

"What did they need?" Ciel asked.

"Just to make sure I'm well." I smiled.

"Clearly Your well since someone knocked you up good." Grell joked.

"Shut up." I smiled.

"I'll check on you again once we're at the manor." Adrian giggled.

"I forgot we were going today." Ciel said.

"Well now you know." Soma smiled. I barely ate due to what Alois wrote to me.

"I understand your not feeling well but do eat." I heard Geo's voice so I tried to eat what I could which resulted in me leaving the room and walking to the garden.

"What's wrong?" I heard Geo's voice.

"I need to see Trancy." I tried.

"You are in no condition." He said.

"Just cause I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Exactly." He smiled.

"Our contract is for a short time but I still need to speak with him." I tried.

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