Chapter 17

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Y/n's p.o.v

"L/n!" They yelled. 

"Now they're calling me." i smiled. 

The door broke, Ciel was ripped from me. I heard fighting, I have seen so much it doesn't bother me. All the violence is the same. Ciel was getting beaten up, his mouth had blood trailing out as he fought. I got pulled out and thrown into the dirt, I didn't fight back. There's no point in it. Ciel yelled more as they tied me up. A rag went around my eyes as the last thing I saw was Ciel fall to the ground with them tying him up.

Ciel's p.o.v

They got the rags off, we were in some kind of cellar. Y/n was just sitting there looking out the cell. 

"Angel." I called, she looked at me. 

"Who hit you?" I asked seeing her face. 

"Don't worry about it." She smiled. 

"Madame and Earl. Nice to see you." Hannah threw water at us. Damn we're in the Trancy manor. I looked at Y/n as she didn't mind the water. 


"He's fine." She walked away. 

"Dumb bitch." Y/n was picking the lock, we walked out and up. 

"Alois?-" Lizzy saw us. Y/n knocked her out and walked over her body. 

"Nuisance." she said, I followed. 

"This is why I love you." I smiled. 

"I know." She smiled back, we went up into his drawing room. Eddy was crying. We could hear the screams even with his door closed, I opened the door. 

"Hi Trancy." Y/n picked Eddy up. 

"YOU-" He tried to swing at her with a sword. I caught it, it was slicing my hand but oh well, I pushed him back. He tried to hit again as I dodged. Eddy and Y/n watched. 

"Claude!" Alois yelled. 

"Would you look at that." Y/n said putting Eddy on the floor. Claude had a gun at her head, I turned back to kill Alois and he had a gun at my head, my damn butler takes too long. 

"Eddy gets to see his parents die just like my doll saw hers die." Alois smirked. Y/n's eyes looked like they were gonna cry-not that kind of cry though. 

"Alois you're really messed up in your mind aren't you?" Y/n asked. 

"Oh please, you're the one who dated me." He said. 

"How would you feel if I killed your wife!" She yelled at him, that's why she knocked out Lizzy. 

"Don't you dare." Alois growled. Eddy was crying again. She smirked at him. 

"I'll make sure you're dead! Eddy will have no one to go too!" Alois yelled, she can get under his skin. 

"You don't have the balls since you still love me." she said. 

"I can sure as hell kill Ciel!" He put the gun on my head. 

"Alois, why would you do that, then you'd have to choose Y/n or Lizzy." I smirked. 

"Bastard." Alois said. Y/n doesn't like the subject of her parents. I know why, I hate the subject of mine. 

"You will die the same way your mom and dad did." Alois threatened again. I saw the single tear come out her eye as she said those 4 letters into 1 word. 

"good." Gefforey opened the door, Sebastian took the gun from Alois, Claude missed the bullet in her head but it got her in the back. I caught her. 

"Y/N. WAKE UP!" I yelled holding her. Grell and Adrian came in. Grell taking Eddy, Geoffrey dealt with Alois while Sebastian and Claude fought. Adrian took Y/n from me. I followed as we got into a carriage that was being driven by Delilah. We went off to his shop as he put pressure on her wound. We made it, he quickly moved inside making me stay in the front. 

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