Chapter 18

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Ciels p.o.v
It bothers me how Alois sends her stuff. Y/n tells me not to worry bout it and that he's trying to get in my head. Which he's doing perfectly, I just so want to kill him but, then Queen Victoria would have me in a predicament like last time. Eddy grabbed my hand and dragged me to the drawing room till we sat down in my chair. 

"What bubba?" I asked. 

"Tea!" He cheered. 

"Where'd we leave your mum?" I looked around. 

"We're here!" Soma brought her in. 

"She was trying to do work." Grell tattled. 

"I was so not!" Y/n pouted sitting in her chair. 

"Angel~" I smirked at her. Her cheeks flushed dark red. 

"Damn how'd he do that?" Grell asked. I laughed. 

"Shut up!" Y/n yelled. 

"You're the one blushing." I smiled. She got up and left. 

"That's your wife." They all said. 

"I know!" I walked off, seeing she was in her study reading a book. I grabbed one from the shelf hitting her ass with it. A moan escaped her. 

"Don't walk away angel~" I told in her ear. 

"Ciel~" I was moving the book in between her legs. 

"I'll punish you right here~" 

"My Lord." Sebastian was at the door. I moved behind her keeping the book in place. 

"What demon?" I asked. He opened. 

"Visitor. Oh-Madame Geoffrey was going to tell you the same." Sebastian informed. She grabbed onto my shirt, 

"right thanks for the notice." She let him leave before pulling me forward. The book dropped and I was down at her ear. 

"Your lucky he didn't say anything." She said. 

"You know he wanted to but he knows better than to say a thing." I smiled. She turned to face me, she reached to place a kiss on my lips but once I opened my eyes she was messing with my ribbon I use to tie around my collar. 

"How'd you get it off?" I asked trying to grab it back. 

"I have my ways!" She giggled running off. 

"Y/n!" I chased after her. I caught her before the drawing room.

"Give it back." 

"Stop it!" She laughed as I kept trying. 

"Madame, Earl." Sebastian and Geoffrey stood there. I let go, she gave me my ribbon. 

"I'm gonna get you back." I sat in my chair. 

"Not if I get you first." She challenged. 

"The Madame Devil and Earl Phantomhive." Geoffrey opened the door. 

"Pleasure to meet you." The person bowed slightly. Y/n looked shocked for some reason. American accent? 

"Like who I found?" Alois behind him. I gritted my teeth. 

"Trancy." I faked a smiled. 

"Nice to see you again." Y/n looked at Geoffrey who just shrugged. 

"Darling Who is this?" I asked. Alois looked infuriated. 

"Winton Bernardita Daniels" Y/n sipped her tea. 

"What's your business Mr. Daniels?" I asked. 

"Sir, I met your fiancée in America. I have come to receive payment." He said. 

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