Chapter 25

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Y/n's p.o.v
"You couldn't have said that earlier?" I asked.

"It was more fun to ignore you!" Adrian giggled.

"Tea?" Sebastian walked in with the cart.

Ciel grabbed a biscuit and just barley missed Sebastian swatting his hand away. Geo gave me a look as did Sebastian.

"Um- Geo-" I tried. Ciel looked at me worriedly.

"I'm going." He smiled.

Delilah helped drag Lau, Ran-Mao, and Adrian out.

"You alright?" Ciel asked sitting down.

"Yeah," I assured seeing Eddy climb onto Ciel's lap.

"Excuse you," Ciel told him making Eddy giggle.

"What do you think well have?" He asked.

"A child," I suggested. He chuckled,

"I know that. I'm hoping it's a girl." He smiled.

"Got it. Let's hope you did things right." I drank my tea, he blushed at my joke.

"Boo." Howard walked in.

"What is it?" I asked.

"For the lady." He placed the cake in front of me. Ciel tried grabbing a piece till Sebastian shot a look.

"I thought you left?" Ciel asked him.

"I have to make sure you don't eat what isn't yours." They both walked out.

"You seem tense." Ciel said.

"A little." I shrugged picking at the cake.

"About the pregnancy?" He asked. I nodded and took a bite.

"It's going to be fine sure Adrian's a crazy doctor but he's an undertaker who better to understand human life." He joked.

"You know I'm not stressed about that." I rolled my eyes.

"We're gonna have a nice beautiful baby no matter what." He assured.

"I'm not sure," I mumbled.

7 months later.

It's getting closer to my due date, but I just don't know if I can handle Alois's nonsense. Lizzy's pregnant but she's trying to say it's Ciel's so, even more, I can't do anything about that.


"Ye-" I was coming out of the drawing-room.

"Hello." Lizzy gave me a glare and walked in.

"Ciel!" I yelled.

"Yes, darling!" He slid over with Eddy in his arms.

"Stay in the drawing-room please and make sure she doesn't steal anything." I said.

"If Alois does anything to-"

"He won't." I assured and walked out.

"TRANCY!" I yelled.

"YEAH!" He yelled back from my study. I walked over,

"What are you doing here again?" I asked.

"You know we signed a deal." He shrugged.

"That deal is almost over." I stated.

"Precisely but we agreed I wouldn't bring harm on you or child if you were to conceive but well, you have brought harm to my Lizzy." He rose an eyebrow.

"Quit spewing nonsense and get out of my chair." I ordered.

"No can do. Why did you give her that scar?" He asked.

"I did no such thing." I defended myself.

"Her scar says otherwise." He stood up.

"You can't prove it was me." I scratched my back where my seal is.

"Really it's about right here-" He was ready to swing, I didn't flinch as Geo tackled him down.

"Son of a bitch! Our meetings are to be private!"

"Not when you bring harm to me- stated in our clause 2." I stated.


"I didn't touch your whore of a wife!" I defended.

"Don't talk about her like that!" His eyes were flickering red.

"Lord Trancy I suggest you calm yourself." Geo told him.

"Or what you'll call Ciel cause he has no idea that you've been putting yourself at risk with my contract. The Queen hasn't been giving you those projects remember. " He shot back.

"You know I'm also saving your ass. Our contracts go hand in hand." I gave him my death glare.

"Madam Devil, I suggest you make up your mind then. You married him then why are you keeping secrets. How are you so sure the child your carrying is his?" He asked. Geo pulled Trancy to his feet.

"Alois we never consummated for that to work like that." I said.

"Your eyes say otherwise. Besides, demon half blood is complicated." He brushed himself off.

"We did no such thing for that to happen. Besides everything I have done has been for your own good so don't contradict me."

"Did you touch Lizzy?" He asked.

"I might have." I shrugged.

"You-" He was throwing a slap, I grabbed my gun and shot his hand.

"Fuck!" He held it,

"Madam-" Geo took the gun from me.

"Get out of my manor." I instructed.

"You're going to regret that." He came for me, Geo threw him out the window.

"CLAUDE!" Alois yelled. Geo looked out the window,

"Claude caught him." He sighed.

"Of course." I sighed. I walked to the drawing-room,

"Madam, might I suggest we take a walk." Geo suggested.

"right." I followed him since he knows my eyes are a different color.

"You were the one who wanted to build a contract with him." He shrugged.

"I didn't know it would be so stressful." I sighed.

"Its Alois. You knew with him anything was going to set him off especially if you touched his wife who's carrying his offspring." He shrugged.

"Thank you though."

"It's my job. Just one more month of this." He smiled.

"Do I tell Ciel?" I asked.

"You both made a pact, it's if you believe there's a need. Alois seems to get more aggressive each time." He suggested.

"It's not like-"

"Hold on Mrs." Geo put a hand over my stomach which caught the knife.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"Might I suggest telling Earl Phantomhive, Madam Phantomhive." He suggested.

"I guess." We walked back up to the drawing-room, Lizzy was with Delilah and Eddy.

"His study."

We walked downstairs, I knocked on the door.

"Entré." I heard his voice.

"Pardon my intrusion Earl." I smiled.

"What might I do for you Madam?" He smiled back putting down his pen. Geo closed the door staying outside.

"I have something to tell you." I sighed.

"You alright?" he asked as I sat down in front of his desk.

"It's about Trancy.."

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