Chapter 23

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Y/ns p.o.v
It's been a week. Alois and Elizabeth are to wed today. Ciels asleep still-I think.


"Hmm?" He moaned. Guess not really. I got dressed,

"wake up." I told him.

"I don't want to." He rolled away from me.

"I'll talk to the world on my own!" I walked to the door.

"Hold up!" He fell out the bed.

"Dear~" I smiled.

"Give me 10 minutes." He smiled. I sat on the bed while he got dressed.

"Let's go Madam Phantomhive." He smirked tying his eyepatch.

"Coming." I smiled. We walked out and to breakfast.

"Hi papa and mummy!" Eddy was already eating. Well Soma was trying to feed him.

"Eddy are you eating?" Ciel asked him. Eddy nodded while Soma acted shocked.

"We have things to get done." Ciel was done eating. I barley had touched my food.

"You alright?" Ciel asked me.

"Yeah. I guess I'm not that hungry." I smiled. He smiled back,

"Let's go then." I followed him. Geo gave me a look, I shrugged.

"Darling you look pale." Ciel said placing a kiss on my hand.

"I'm fine I assure you." I smiled at his acts of flirting.

"I'm just looking out for your well being." He smiled sitting at his desk. I sat down in the chair.

"The Trancy And midfords Wedding is today- would you like to crash it?" He asked.

"Hell no!" I gave him a look. Geo walked in,

"Madame I have called the doctor." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well obviously your not yourself. You usually eat cake no matter what." He explained.

"So you think there's something wrong?" Ciel asked.

"Well she usually eats 4 slices of cake while you eat 3 and for her not to eat any is stating there's something wrong." He shrugged.

"I agree which is why I've brought a slice to test it out." Sebastian put a piece in front of me. I gagged a little,

"Adrian will be here shortly." Geo walked out.

"That's for her not for you." Sebastian told Ciel and walked out.

"There right. It's best you get checked out." Ciel ate a crumb from the plate.

"I feel fine." I assured.

"Darling~ cake is something that mustn't be left to waste." He smiled.

"Then you eat it." I smiled pushing the plate to him.

"I'm not gonna get in trouble with Geo." He pushed it back.

"So then it's going to go bad?" I asked. "You-" He smiled and ate the slice.

"Adrian-" Geo looked at the plate.

"Madam did you enjoy it?" He asked.

"Ask Ciel." I said.

"Master Ciel!" Geo scolded.

"It was going to waste." Ciel defended.

"It was for her to eat." He scolded again taking the plate. I smiled,

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