Chapter 13

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......that night......

Y/ns p.o.v
Geoffrey stayed at the backdoor this whole day. I'm in my bed sick. Having a coughing fit. Adrian had to leave so Soma and Grell are taking care of me. Well not right now. I heard moving of feet.

"Protect this estate remember." Geoffrey was out the door locking it.

Gunshots blazed off. Breaking my window. I cant move out the bed.

"Get edmund out of here! It's an order!" I yelled.

I spat up blood, once a bullet hit me. I fell out the bed in pain losing conscious.

Geoffrey's p.o.v
I got Eddy in the carriage with me, a blanket over him and his toy. We went by to the Midford manor. Ciel's carriage there.

"Where to?" Agni asked.

Soma asleep since its best a reaper watches her.

"The town house, they wont think to go there." I informed.

"And the madame?" He asked.

I got off leaving Eddy with them and to the front door of the midford manor.

"What butler?" Alexis asked.

"I am here to inform Earl Ciel of his wife." I bowed slightly. I went to the study where lizzy and ciel where.

"What Geoffrey?" Ciel asked acting as if they were talking on trying to get the Midfords to leave them alone.

"There has been an attack at the L/Ns estate." I informed.

"Wheres Y/n?" He asked.

"We weren't able to transfer her in her state. She is being gaurded by Howard and Delilah." I said.

"Shit! And Edmund?" He asked.

"That doesn't concern you since it's classified. I believe I might've been followed." I said quickly leaving.

Right to the town house. Eddy was fast asleep with Soma. Agni in a chair next to them. I left back to the estate. Dead bodies everywhere; I opened her door, she was on the floor, knocked out. I put her back in bed and gave her medicine. Cleaning up the wounds.

Soma's p.o.v
I woke up to the bright sun hitting through the glass. We are no longer in the madame's estate. But in the town house. Ciel wasn't there he was with Lizzy.

"Now what am I gonna do if she's gone?" I heard downstairs. Ciel's here?

"We have to show him Eddy's fine." Agni told me.

"You're right!" I said. Eddy was asleep, I took him down in my arms. Eddy holding onto his toy.

"Soma?" ciel said.

"Edmund." Sebastian smiled.

"So y'all arrived here?" Ciel asked checking t from my arms.

"yes. Your staff, me, Agni and Eddy were able to escape." I explained.

"What happened prince?" Sebastian asked as we went to Ciel's study.

"It was just something she knew was gonna happen. before going to sleep she said for me to watch Eddy. Gunshots went off when I was tucking Eddy into bed breaking his window. I ran out hearing the madame yell at Geoffrey to get us out." I sighed.

"Was she alright?" Ciel asked.

"What's it matter to you?" I asked without realizing.

"She's my wife." He raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry habit with Trancy." I saved myself.

Y/ns p.o.v
I coughed and coughed spitting up blood, fever everything.

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