Chapter 16

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Y/ns p.o.v
"Trancy and the Midford's have to be here otherwise it will look wrong." Grell said. 

"Can't you kill him or kick him out?" I asked. 

"It won't look right for the queen's sake." Soma said. I nodded. Ciel came over. 

"Angel. Come with me." He smiled grabbing my hand. I followed and out we went to his garden. 

"Are you alright?" We asked at the same time. 

"Sorry- I mean with the whole Trancy and Midford thing." Ciel blushed. 

"I'm fine knowing you're next to me." I smiled. 

"Always next to you-  no matter what." He smirked. 

"Good to hear that." Alois. 

Ciel held me close and wouldn't let me turn around to see. So all I could see was black but hear his heartbeat. So calm and gentle. Then I was pulled away right into the ground hearing fighting go on. I threw my knife at Alois as he had Ciel down to the ground. It got his hand, Ciel took it out and right at Alois's stomach. I felt someone help me stand. 

"Madame. Are you alright? Are you injured?" Geoffrey. 

"This is an order. Get Alois and Elizabeth out of here." I said. 

"Yes, madame." Geoffrey went and helped. I turned seeing Claude and Sebastian fighting. Ciel was now in front of me. Alois being held back by Geoffrey. Elizabeth came running out. 

"Get off of him!" She yelled at Geoffrey. 

"Let me kill-" I tried.

"Y/n." Ciel hushed me. 

"Love- go back inside." Alois told Lizzy. 

"Tell me do I need to kill him?"  Lizzy had a knife in hand. 

"M'Lady." Sebastian took it from her. 

"Leave. You are not welcome. If I find you again-" 

"Go to hell Ciel." Alois spat. 

"Am I clear?" Ciel growled.

"Crystal." Alois rolled his eyes. 

Geoffrey let go, they left. We went back inside saying farewell to people. Making sure they left. Eddy asleep in my arms, Geoffrey took him from me and up to put him to bed. Ciel, however, picked me up and ran to our room. Dropping me right on the bed. 

"You were quite a naughty girl earlier." He smirked. 

"I went and did what you said though." I said. 

"It took you then you wanted to fight. What a naughty angel~" he smirked again. 

"But Ciel~" I whined. 

"Angel." His lips carefully met mine. 

His hands pulled up my dress, I felt him unhooking the hook connecting my stockings to my underwear. He threw his gloves to the side and used his hands. They're cold to touch. 

"Mm~ do you feel what you do to me?" He grinded against my underwear. I moaned pulling his hair. 

"Don't tease me." I moaned. 

He pulled my underwear off with his teeth. Licking around so slowly making me moan more. before I knew it he was in me going at inhuman speeds. kissing me like there was no tomorrow. He let go when we parted causing us both to moan loudly. He fell next to me. 

"Do you know why I call you angel?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"You're everything but a devil even if its your name and you're half demon. But you just keep me from doing bad things. Like a guardian angel sent from hell." He smiled. 

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