Chapter 30

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Ciel's P.o.v
"Alexandra." I smiled. 

"That's lovely." Y/n smiled. 

"So you've got a Y/n, Ciel, Edmund, and an Alexandra. Wow." Howard said walking in with a tray of goodies. 

"We must fix the Lady Alexandra's room!" Delilah realized and pushed out my staff along with Howard. I smiled along with Y/n at the sight of them frantically running to step up the Nursery. 

"Shit, I'm old." Geo sighed pouring tea. 

"I forget him and Sebastian have been-" Sebastian gave a look to Grell which shut him up. 

"Grell-" Y/n motioned to him for something. 

"What is it?" I asked her. 

"She wants us to let reporters know." Soma said. 

"Now?" I asked. She kept quiet. 

"Angel~" I gave a look to the staff and they all walked out. 

"Why on earth are we to let reporters know you already gave birth?" I questioned. 

"I just thought that everyone should know that we're leaving behind a Lord and a Madame just like us." she smiled. 

"I understand our legacies but I don't want anyone saying she was conceived out of wedlock or possibly Trancy's- which there is no resemblance or Trancy trying to come and- you know," I explained seeing Eddy falling asleep. 

"I know but I'm excited and want people to know, it's better then other people finding out and then trying to connect dots." She motioned for me to get closer, the things I do out of love. 

"I'll send for Arthur." I placed a light kiss on her lips and left Alexandra with her. 

"Sebastian!" I called. 

"Yes, master?" He came round the corner. 

"Send for Arthur." I sighed. 

"I didn't know she was allowed to boss you around." He said walking past me.

"She's my wife."

"But you still let her be the boss." Geo poked his head out with a smirk. 

"We all know I'm the dom." I smirked back. He disappeared and I went back into the room. 

"Darling~" Y/n motioned for me to look at Eddy who was going to fall off the bed. I picked him up and laid him carefully on the bed. This kid needs to learn how to throw himself if I didn't learn I'd be full of bruises. 

"So who went to get Arthur?" She asked. 

"I sent Sebastian." I smiled laying down on the bed. 

"Ciel-" I looked at her and saw what she was referring to. She had gorgeous blue eyes, an exact image like mine, I smiled at her lovely face. 

"Come in." Y/n said to the person knocking on our door. I woke Eddy as Arthur came in.

"We're ready for you both in the study." He smiled. I helped walk Y/n with me to my study. 

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