Chapter 7

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Alois's p.o.v
I took her into town. She went into a toy shop. I followed. Everyone was quiet.

"Earl Trancy." The girls called. I smiled at them.

"Hey!" Y/n bonked my head.

"Sorry." I smiled at her. She was looking for a toy for Edmund.

"Madame." Y/n slapped the guy.

"Touch me once more I'll kill you right here!" She threatened.

"If you want I can kill him right now?" I asked. The guy ran out, We found him a toy a cute one as she calls it and walked some more.

"Highness." Claude appeared with the carriage. We went back to her manor. Eddy sliding down the rail when we walked in.

"Young master!" Geoffrey chasing after.

"Sir!" Sebastian as well.

"We didn't see anything." Y/n said as we tried to escape.

"Madame! Get your kid!" Delilah said.

"Damnit! Fine! Edmund!" She said. Eddy tugged my leg.

"Causing trouble are you?" I asked. He smiled. 

"He was able to loose us after you guys left." Sebastian said. 

"Earl Ciel and Lady Lizzy were looking upstairs." Geoffrey said. 

"And in the garden." Ciel came in from the double doors. He had a flower in his head from Lizzy. 

"Sissy." Y/n giggled.

"I am not a sissy." he grumbled. 

"Then why do you have a flower in your head?" i asked. 

"Shut up! We got lost." He shot back. 

"its not that hard to know where you're going." Y/n said. 

"Easy for you to say. You live here." Lizzy said. 

"Well. You'll just have to deal with it. If you're to stay." Y/n smiled. 

 "I have things to attend too." Ciel excused himself from our group. 

Eddy went behind Ciel and kicked him. Ciel gave us all a dirty look so we had to hold back our laughs. 

"Ohhhh BASSSSSSYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" Grell ran in. Sebastian moved having Grell land on his face. 

"Idiot." We all said while Lizzy laughed. 

"How cruel. All I wanted was some love." He pouted. 

"What is it this time?" Y/n asked.

 "Oh. Lau sent me to come pick you up. You're needed with him." He stood up. 

"I'm coming." Y/n smiled.

"Alright. Don't get into trouble. Im going to ask for a report." I smiled. 

"I know. I wont." Y/n smiled back at me. I placed a kiss on her cheek, Lizzy feeling unloved even more. Ciel doesn't give her enough affection, so I love to give affection to Y/n. 

"Love you." I smirked.


"Lets go." Grell smiled. They both left. 

"Funny how you hate when I give affection to my wife but whenever Ciel gives you affection you hate that it doesn't bother her." I smirked walking past. 

"Highness your tea is ready in the drawing room." Claude told me. Ciel was doing work in there. 

"Your wife keeps getting on my nerves." I said. 

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