Chapter 12

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Lizzy's p.o.v
"Ciel. A word." I said. 

"No." Ciel said. 

"She said a word which means I want one." My dad said. 

"I don't care this isn't my estate and you can say it to me and my fiancée." His arm around her waist. 

"Well I prefer not to!" Dad tried. 

"You bitch you took my husband!" I yelled. 

"Elizabeth I didn't do anything. You did. I didn't even pay attention and was just gonna try and get through with Trancy or marry Adrian." Y/n smiled. 

"You bitch!" I yelled. 

"Lady's don't speak that way." Ciel smirked. 

"I'll show-" 

"Elizabeth! Let them go deal with that bastard." Dad said. 

"Let me kill him!" Ciel was holding Y/n back. I flipped them off as we left.

Y/n's p.o.v
"She called Eddy a bastard!" I said as they walked off. 

"Angel. Calm down." Ciel kissed me, relaxing my nerves. I know Lizzy paid attention to his kiss. I ruffled his hair when we parted. 

"Hey! I need to look good for you." He spun me then dipped me. A blush forming on my cheeks. 

"We have to-" 

"Right." He put me on my feet. 

I walked forward him holding my waist walking behind.

—After the day—

Eddy jumped on the bed hiding in the pillows. I changed and sat next to him. Ciel had left to go do things a while ago. 

"Papa?" He asked. 

"He's still busy." I sighed. I looked out the window seeing the Ciel. 

"Papa!" Eddy cheered. I saw who was with him and shut the blinds. 

"Geoffrey." He opened the door. 

"Yes~?" He asked. 

"Keep the Earl out." I instructed. He smiled as he left.

Geoffrey's p.o.v
Ciel was trying to get through every entrance. I put a note on the door and locked it again. He came back and yelled what. It says curfew states that if you are not inside by certain time you are to sleep out there. 

"Sebastian this is an order open the back door." I went to the kitchen. 

"Ciel's coming. 

"He was out late last night." Delilah cleaning the vegetables for tomorrow. 

"With Midford." I said. Howard had his gun on shoulder. 

"Can I kill him?" He asked. 

"Madame hasn't said yes or no but she also doesn't know he was out last night." I sighed. 

"You talk to him." Delilah said. Sebastian walked in and opened for Ciel. 

"We're where u?" I asked. 

"Errands." He lied. 

"The madame has her door locked and won't let anyone in. After Delilah takes her tea doors locked. She wouldn't even let Trancy in. So your room is where you'll stay." I instructed. 

"Damnit." He muttered. 

"My Lord. I will take your tea up in a few." Sebastian told him. Howard loaded his gun scaring the Earl a little since he did it loudly. 

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