Chapter 2

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Few weeks past but Wonwoo still couldn't forget the dream about the school and the mysterious boy. He still had the same kind of dream that happened at another place from time to time but the school really hit him hard. He once passed the exact corridor that he'd been in the dream. The exact classroom with the burnt lady but the lady was not there. He saw blood on the door so that's new. Reaching the corner, that corner, he stared at the other side of the corridor. The place where the red door should be. A door but white in color. He didn't know why but he decided not to go there.

There was also something else that bothered his mind. In two months period, he will be turning 18 and he really had an uneasy feeling about it. He had a strong feeling that something will happen. And his instinct never lied.

"Wonwoo..." Seokmin called his desk mate.

"Yeah?" he turned looking at Seokmin curiously, raising his brows.

"All this happens so quickly but tomorrow is my last day at this school." Seokmin smiled weakly at the latter. Wonwoo frowned a bit.


"My family had to move to another state. My father got a new job and the company wanted him to be there as soon as possible." Seokmin looked down. Wonwoo never saw him like this. Seokmin was always a happy boy, always smiled. Everyone loved him.

"I'm just sad that I have to leave you. You're a good friend even though you don't talk much." Seokmin added. Wonwoo shocked a bit. Was he really a good friend? They never had a long conversation. They even never hang out together. Wonwoo only knew his name and that's it. How's that a good friend?

"Wanna hang out after school?" Wonwoo suddenly blurted out the words. Seokmin looked at him.



Wonwoo's mother picked him up as usual after school but for today, it's a bit different, and his mother was quite shocked by it. Wonwoo entered the car and sat at the back instead of the front. And someone else also got in the car.

"Mom, this is Seokmin." Wonwoo introduced.

"Hi, auntie." Seokmin smiled.

"Hi there." she replied with a smile.

"Mom, we both want to hang out at the mall. Can you send us?"

"Oh. So I'm your driver now?" his mom jokingly asked.

"Mom please~" Wonwoo whined. Seokmin let out a small laugh.

"Okay fine."

Arriving at the mall, his mom spoke up,

"You want money? In case you want to buy something?"

Wonwoo looked at Seokmin who had a mischievous smile and answered,


{Let just imagine that the picture up there happen here}

They went straight to the ice cream stall and ordered a big one since his mom gave them quite a lot of money. Enjoying the ice cream, they shared each other stories. Wonwoo thought it was okay to open up a bit as long as he didn't bring up his secret. And Seokmin talked a lot so most of the time Wonwoo just became a listener. They took a lot of pictures together. He knew more about his friend and came to a small regret in his heart because he was literally wasting a very good friend just because of his own fear. They then went to watch the movie and when it's finished, it was almost dusk. Dusk. The time where Wonwoo reminded himself to stay in his room until it's over.

It's all started when Wonwoo was chilling in a cafe near his house. Sitting beside the glass window, he threw his sight outside, watching people went by minding their own business. Dusk arrived and he felt something weird with his body. Looking at his reflection on the window, he noticed the white smoke around him shrunk slowly until it's looked like a dim glowing around his body. Suddenly, Wonwoo jumped a bit when a woman squatted on the table in front of him, staring deep into his eyes. It was the first time that the 'things' were this close to Wonwoo. She wore a very worn-out cloth, barely covered her skeleton looked alike body. Her eyes were fully black like she didn't have eyeballs. Her facial was dark and not to mention the black smoke, really big. The woman was staring at Wonwoo so intensely and not gonna lied that Wonwoo felt really awkward. The woman smelled...evil.

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