Chapter 5

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First of all, I want the sweater that Wonwoo wore in the above picture though. 


Entering the class, Wonwoo looked at the desk beside him. Empty. Loneliness hit him. He missed Seokmin already. The teacher entered and the class greeted her. She usually came to the class with a grumpy face but today she's smiling. Something fishy about to happen.

"Okay, class. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is Seokmin move to another school last week." she said.

Some of the students were shocked by the news. Seokmin was everyone's favorite so it's really leaving an impact on everyone that he left. Wonwoo just looked down when he heard it. He missed his friend more. Suddenly, he scented something. Strong. Bold... Protect? He smelled something familiar. He stared at the door where the smell came from.

"And the good news is we have new students!" she clapped her hands. She was excited about this new student. Why?

"Okay. You can enter now."

With that, the door opened and revealed a boy. All students gasped except Wonwoo. His eyes widen. Mingyu? Entering the class, Mingyu smiled at everyone.

"Whoa so handsome. My heart melts." a girl behind Wonwoo said. Wonwoo just rolled his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Kim Mingyu. I just move here last week. Let's befriend." Mingyu greeted everyone with his deep voice while looking at Wonwoo. His voice was not as deep as Wonwoo but still deep.

All the girls started to fangirl silently at Mingyu. Including the teacher. Oh, God.

"Okay, Mingyu. You can take the seat beside Wonwoo." the teacher ordered, still admiring Mingyu's beauty.

Mingyu smirked and walked to Wonwoo. Wonwoo didn't know why he felt so nervous just by looking at Mingyu approaching him. He slightly blushed. Mingyu's smoke indeed was bigger than him. He caught Mingyu was staring at him so he looked away. The girls looked at him dreamily as he passed through the tables.

"Hi there." Mingyu sat down, winking at Wonwoo. Wonwoo shrugged.

The class started and Wonwoo didn't say a word to Mingyu. There was so many thought in his mind right now. He couldn't focus on the lesson. Mingyu on the other hand was not stopping to gain Wonwoo's attention. He kept poking the latter even though he received so many death glares from Wonwoo. Something hit Wonwoo's mind. The dream of his school and the boy. He looked at Mingyu. His eyes widen. Mingyu was the boy he encountered in the dream.

Now he was just more confused. Is that why you have the smoke? How can you be in the dream? You can see 'them' too? Why you didn't say anything about the dream? Did you forget about it? Wonwoo mentally asked Mingyu.

"I know I'm that good-looking. Don't stare at me like that." Mingyu turned his head to Wonwoo.

"Because your eyes melted my heart." he winked.

Wonwoo was like a tomato when Mingyu suddenly decided to say that. He was beyond embarrassed. Moving his chair away from Mingyu a bit, he looked at his book on the table, heart beating hard. Mingyu just smirked and turned to the whiteboard. Now, whose flirting?


Recess came and Wonwoo directly got out of his class, away from Mingyu. Mingyu saw Wonwoo sprinted out of the class and he followed him. Arriving at the garden, his eyes were searching for the 'things'. For the first time in his life, he had eager to looked at 'them'. He didn't know why but he really wanted to find at least one. He caught something.

Gifted (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now