Chapter 19

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*contain smut. you have been warned*


Wonwoo wandered around his house. He felt nervous, scared. His hands were shaking a bit. Today was the 12th day after his birthday. It's will happen tomorrow. What would happen? No one knew. But something would happen. Wonwoo sure about it. Staying in the living room made him suffocated. He decided to go outside.

Entering the park, he looked around. Almost empty. Sitting on a bench, he fell into deep thought. Few people passed him and sat beside him and walked back but he ignored all of them. *crooked noise* Wonwoo tensed. He knew that noise. 'It' came back. But, he didn't scare this time. Preparing himself, he stood up. You got this Wonwoo. 'It' was nothing to you. You ARE strong. He turned his head. Beside an old street light, 'it' was watching Wonwoo. The 'fire face' that the boy knew so much. He started to get annoyed by it. Neither of the two made a move. Just stood still. This bitch needs to fuck off. Wonwoo cursed.

"What you want from me?!" Wonwoo talked first. Gladly, no people around him. If not, they would think Wonwoo had lost his mind.

"Fucking tell me Bitch!" Wonwoo raised his voice. 'It' didn't reply anything.

Looking at the 'fire face' smoke, he narrowed his eyes. They have the same size as the smokes. No, Wonwoo slightly bigger. He was more... 'dominant' now. He took one step further.

"You can't do anything to me, right? I'm alive. You're not. I'm stronger than you now."

"I'm not dead. I never die."

"But I'm stronger than you now!"

'It' growled. But Wonwoo didn't back off. He gonna fight till the end. He's a fighter.

"I'm not scared of you. Fuck off!" Wonwoo growled back.

"We're not done yet."

Suddenly, 'it' disappeared. Letting out a relieved sigh, Wonwoo fell back on the bench. Did I just win a fight with that 'thing'?

"Who are you talking to?" Wonwoo jumped.

He looked around and found a short boy standing on his quite far right side. Jihoon. Holy shit! He's talking! Wonwoo frowned.

"Jihoon? I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

The boy walked around Wonwoo and sat at the other end side of the bench. Silence filled between them.

" you're finally got the ring." Jihoon said almost whispered.

"Yeah. They so sweet."

Wonwoo looked at Jihoon's finger and didn't see any ring. All 13 of them should have the ring right? Even Seokmin showed Wonwoo his ring when they were chatting.

"May I know where's your ring?"

"I didn't wear it" Jihoon's voice low looked down.

"Cherish them. They are the best friends you will ever have, Wonwoo." the boy suddenly stated. He looked up to the sky.

"Even though they loud and annoying but they will always be there for you no matter what. So don't be afraid to share anything with them." he continued. Wonwoo nodded.


Night came and Wonwoo didn't feel comfortable at all. His parents knew something would happen tomorrow so they were mentally prepared for what's coming next. Wonwoo then stayed in the bathtub filled with cold water for almost three hours. He felt very hot and he needed to cool down. That night he went to bed with only short pants. No t-shirt or hoodie. The heat didn't settle down a bit. Luckily, he fell asleep.

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