Chapter 12

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I had a bunch of weird friends.

That's what Wonwoo thought when he decided to agree with Jeonghan to hang out with the latter at his house. He managed to avoid Mingyu since he saw the boy being dragged by Seungcheol and Vernon to who knew where and walked with Jeonghan to the latter's house. Of course, he informed his mom first about the plan.

He thought it was just normal chatting, maybe being stormed with a lot of questions since he was antisocial or just played with video games. But he's wrong. Totally wrong. He started to regret the plan when right after he got into the house, the first question Jeonghan asked was 'do you like Mingyu?'. Dumbfound with the question, he nodded slowly, speechless. There's no use to deny it from everyone anymore. It's too obvious that Wonwoo was totally whipped for Mingyu.

"Let me help you get Mingyu." Jeonghan said.

They were inside Jeonghan's room and the long hair boy was choosing a suitable cloth for Wonwoo to wear. Black was Wonwoo's friend and Jeonghan didn't like it so instead he was suggesting, no demanding, Wonwoo to wear something bright. After trying a few, okay to be honest a lot of shirts and pants from pastel blue, white to bright orange back to baby blue, the room's door swung open revealing the one and only Diva Boo. When Wonwoo looked at the bag that Seungkwan held, he sighed. God save me, please.

Throwing the bag on the bed, Seungkwan took out all the things from inside it. A bunch of makeup. Wonwoo looked at Seungkwan and frowned. What they gonna do to him?

An hour passed and finally, the two decided on what Wonwoo should wear. A plain white shirt, a pair of bright color denim jeans, and blue Vans. They didn't want any dark color on Wonwoo. Taking all the cloth, Wonwoo stormed into the bathroom. Looked at it, he sighed.

Few minutes passed, Wonwoo came out, still not fully buttoned his shirt, exposing his bare pale chest only to be greeted by the flash from Seungkwan's phone. Wonwoo frowned when he saw Seungkwan sent it to someone. To be honest, Wonwoo really felt uncomfortable with what he wore since it's too bright for him so every second passed, he fidgeting around.

And now came what he feared the most, they gonna draw his face. He saw Seungkwan holding a brush and smirked. The boy said that since Wonwoo has pale skin so it's easier to find a suitable shade for him. They were processing with Wonwoo's hair first and Jeonghan kept complimenting the latter about how soft his hair was. They styled the hair up and continued with the makeup. While Seungkwan was applying the eyeliner, Wonwoo held the blanket tightly with his dearest life, afraid that the eyeliner might poke his eyes. They forbid him to look at the mirror until everything was done though so he really nervous. While applying contour on his jawline, Wonwoo asked them.

"Why we do this?"

"Stop moving! The contour might ruin." Seungkwan hissed.

"At least tell me why." Wonwoo insisted.

"Four of us plan a date for both of you." Jeonghan answered while looking at Wonwoo like a proud mom.

Holding Seungkwan's hand, Wonwoo frowned at both of the boys in front of him. Date?!

"What do you mean by date? With who? Who the other two?" Wonwoo showered both boys with questions, looking at them.

"It's supposed to be a blind date so we can't tell you." Seungkwan interrupted, eyes still focus on Wonwoo's makeup.

"Seungcheol, Vernon, Seungkwan, and I plan a blind date for you with someone. I think you know who." Jeonghan smiled, adjusting Wonwoo's shirt.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo frowned. They must be kidding right?

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