Chapter 4

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Waking up to the most painful headache he'd ever experience. Wonwoo grunted. He tried to get up but a pair of hands were tightly secured around his waist. Wait, what? Hands? Wonwoo immediately jumped off the bed but due to the strength of the hands, he couldn't go far and ended up falling on the floor, landing face first. The loud noise made the owner of the hands woke up and sat on the bed with a confused face. Wonwoo sat on the floor with a terrifying face looking at him.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Wonwoo asked.

"What's wrong with you?" Mingyu asked back.

"What are you doing here in" Wonwoo looked around. This was not his room. Where was he?

"This is my house and you are in my room. What is wrong with you?" Mingyu replied, annoyed in his voice.

The headache decided to greet Wonwoo back. A strong one. Wonwoo hissed while holding his head. Mingyu immediately changed from annoyed to worried at Wonwoo. He got off the bed and helped Wonwoo stood up.

"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked, concerned.

"Just a headache. I'm fine."

"A cup of tea might help. Let's go."

Heading out of the room, the house was empty but a mess. Total mess.

"Oh my god! What happens here?" Wonwoo asked, shocked.

"Party last night. You don't remember?"

Reaching the kitchen, Wonwoo sat on a chair while Mingyu made the tea. Wonwoo was staring at Mingyu's back while trying to regain his memories about last night but all he could remember was the red face. Out of many things that happen, why he only remember that face? Wait. How can he have smoke too? And why it's bigger than mine? Wonwoo asked himself as he looked at the latter.

"Here you are. Herbal tea." Mingyu slid the cup to Wonwoo.

"Thanks." Wonwoo sipped slowly.

"What's your name?"

"Wow. You really don't remember anything." Mingyu chuckled a bit.

"I'm Mingyu. Last night, I held a welcoming party here and you were totally wasted." Mingyu explained.

Wonwoo suddenly regained a bit. Seokmin.

"Oh my god. Do you see my phone?" Wonwoo asked.

"In the room on the table." Mingyu replied while sitting down.

"Excuse me." Wonwoo ran upstairs to take his phone.

Sitting on the chair back with the phone in his hand, he looked through the phone. 30 missed calls and 20 messages from his mom. He's dead. 5 missed calls and 3 messages from Seokmin. He called his mom. Priority first. A few rings and his mom picked up.

"Where are you, young man?! Did you forgot that you have a house?!" were the first words Wonwoo received from his mom. He's really dead right now.

"I'm sorry mom. I stayed at my..." Wonwoo looked at Mingyu. Mingyu looked back.

" friend's house. I'm sorry for not informing you."

"Do you know how worry I am? When will you come home?" his mom said.

"I'm sorry mom. I will be back before lunch." Wonwoo ended the call and ruffled his hair. Mingyu chuckled a bit.

Wonwoo then called Seokmin. The first try failed. On the second try, Seokmin picked up.

"The hell man? Where were you?" asked Seokmin.

"I'm still at the party house. I slept here. How about you?"

Gifted (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now