Chapter 18

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Opened his eyes weakly, he looked at the table beside his bed. The alarm from his phone buzzed signaling it was time to go to school. He wanted to reach for the phone but his boyfriend snatched the phone first. Turning off the alarm, he snuggled back at Wonwoo's neck.

"Hey...wake up...we have school." Wonwoo said low. He didn't think he could move his body right now. His throat hurt.

"Trust me. You can't even stand up right now. Might just give up school for today." Mingyu groaned, tightening the grip.

Looking at how Mingyu secured his body with his arms and legs, Wonwoo sighed. Maybe Mingyu was right, he felt so weak and tired right now. He hugged the latter back. And they both fell asleep, again.


Kisses on his face made Wonwoo opened his eyes. Mingyu grinned, still sleepy. Wonwoo smiled while caressing his boyfriend's face with his fingers, lightly. He remembered about last night. Wonwoo blushed.

"D-did last night really happened?" Wonwoo stuttered.

"Yes." Mingyu smirked, also thinking about it.

Wonwoo hid his face at the crook of Mingyu's neck, embarrassed. Mingyu chuckled, caressing the boy's hair.

"No need to be embarrassed. You were great last night."

"Stop it~" Wonwoo whined.

They stayed like that for a moment, too happy in each other company.

"I think we should get up." Wonwoo looked at the latter.

"I guess."

Mingyu sat up and rubbed his eyes. Wonwoo followed shortly after.

"Argh!" Wonwoo hissed. He fell back on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"My back. It's hurt."

"Am I too rough last night? I'm sorry."

Wonwoo put his finger at Mingyu's mouth. He didn't want to talk about it yet. Getting up slowly, he flinched. Mingyu's face was full of concern. The pain eased a bit and Wonwoo finally fully sat up. Now, he had to stand up. God help me please. Wonwoo sighed. It's not Mingyu's fault. He's the one who told the latter to go rough. Mingyu got up and grabbed Wonwoo, carried him bridal style.

"I think I can walk. Plus you know that we're both naked right?" Wonwoo looked away.

"I'm aware of it. But we need to get a shower. I'm hungry right now and you make it slow." Mingyu complained

Inside the bathroom, Mingyu put Wonwoo down. They brushed their teeth and headed straight to the shower, together. Yes, they felt comfortable shower together now, and to be honest Wonwoo liked it so much. After a few make-outs in the shower, they both got out of the bathroom. Fully dressed, they approached the door but Mingyu stopped Wonwoo. Turning him around, Mingyu gave a deep and passionate kiss to the latter.

"Happy birthday..."

"Really? Today is my birthday." Wonwoo shocked, searching for the calendar hanging on the wall. Indeed, it was really his birthday.

"Thank you." Wonwoo continued, smiling.

"So where is my present?" Wonwoo asked.

"Last night was the first present. And I've been thinking, the next present maybe perhaps second round?" he licked the side of the Wonwoo's neck.

"NO SECOND ROUND. Don't you see how much I'm struggling right now?" Wonwoo raised his voice. Mingyu pouted.

Heading to the kitchen, they met Wonwoo's father at the dining table. Drinking tea and reading the newspaper. He looked at them both and read the news back. Preparing a small snack together, they sat at the dining table. Mr. Jeon coughed purposely.

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