Chapter 3

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Standing in front of a house, Wonwoo looked around, observing. Loud music came from that house. A lot of people, Wonwoo recognized some of them are students from his school, heading into the house. Whose house is this? He asked himself. He and Seokmin then also heading into the house, joining the others. As you can see, Wonwoo was not a sociable person so when he was inside the house, he felt tense. The place was too crowded. He kept bumping with literally everybody. Luckily, he only wore a black plain t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans so the heat really didn't bother him.

Wonwoo just followed Seokmin from behind because he didn't know what is socialize apparently. Seokmin on the other hand was enjoying it. Well, he was indeed a party person. They both then decided to find drinks. This place made Wonwoo really thirsty. Reaching the snack table, Wonwoo's eyes widen.

"What is that white drink?"

"Soju." Seokmin casually replied, taking the bottle and pour some into a cup and gave it to Wonwoo.

"I don't drink them. I can't drink them. I...we're both underage!" Wonwoo shrugged.

"Chill Wonwoo..." Seokmin replied while taking a sip

"No thank you. I just want normal drinks. Coke will be fine."

"There are no other drinks than this," Seokmin replied. The glass of soju still in his hand, offering to Wonwoo.

"Just a glass." added Seokmin with an innocent smile.

Wonwoo was thirsty as hell so he didn't any other choice but to take it. He took the glass and finished it in one gulp. Seokmin looked satisfied. Wonwoo could felt a burning sensation passed through his throat. He hated it. When the glass empty, he slammed it on the table, hard.

"AHHH!!!" Wonwoo breathed out loudly.

"Wow, Wonwoo! Are you sure it's your first time drinking this?" Seokmin asked, shocked on his face.

"I hate it." Wonwoo spoke, disgusted on his face.

"Let's go to the dance floor. I really want to have fun. Let's go wild!" Seokmin screamed and dragged Wonwoo.

"Wait no-"

Seokmin was dancing like crazy following the beat while Wonwoo on the other hand, just moved slowly catching the beat as much as he could. It's a hard and fast song by the way. How can he dance so slow? Wonwoo felt a bit embarrassed and awkward looking at his friend dancing like a maniac. How did you call that dance?

Suddenly, Seokmin dragged Wonwoo again to the snack table back. Pouring the drinks, he gave them to Wonwoo.

"One more!" Seokmin said. Wonwoo shook his head but Seokmin kept pushing the glass toward him. And he took it. Seokmin poured a glass for him.

"Cheers!" Seokmin screamed and hit their glasses together. And they finished it one gulp.

Wonwoo started to feel his head spinning a bit. Sorry but getting drunk was not in his plan today but here he was, about to take the third glass. He finished it in one gulp again. Suddenly, all his frustration toward the 'things' bubbled up.

Fourth glass.

"This shit is really good you know."Wonwoo said to Seokmin. Seokmin was also started to get drunk so he just nodded vigorously.

Fifth glass.

"I feel so annoyed you know. They keep bothering me. Why can't they just leave me alone? They never gonna let me feel peace. Those fucking bitches."


Sixth glass.

"Why I have to bear this curse?! My mom said it was a gift. Well did she going through it?! Not right?! Can I just fucking get rid of this?!"

Gifted (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now