Chapter 27

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~Hoshi's POV~

~flashback, the night before he lost~

Sitting on the beach, I watched the wave approached me so gentle yet never reach me. Like him. Fuck. I miss him so much. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged it. Raising my head, I looked at the moon. It's full moon tonight. He loved full moon. I always sneaked into his house almost every night so that we could watched the moon and the stars together.

I looked at my left side, stood far away from me, Mingyu and Wonwoo. They were hugging each other. I was so envy of them. What a perfect couple. I wish I was like them. Completing each other. But I knew that would never happen to me. The love of my life have leave me, alone in these cruel world.

My friends told me that they didn't want to talk about him. It just made them feel more guilty. It's torturing me. There's so many thing I wanted to talk about. I wanted to let out everything that was in my heart. I...need a listener. My friends were great, don't get me wrong on that. They're always here for me, never leave me behind. Always know how to make me smile. I love them so much. But, we're promised to not talk about him even though I have so many things inside my mind.

~flashback, to the very beginning~

"Hey shorty!" I shouted at the boy in front of me.

"Don't call me that you little bitch!" he snapped back at me. I just grinned.

There he was, Lee Jihoon. My crush. Today was the day where I would confess my feeling at him. I liked him since the first day we're in the high school, first year. Sitting at the front line of the class, he looked so small. So cute! When the first time my eyes fell on him, I knew that he have to be mine. It's been two years now. Two years of me trying to gain his attention. And now we're friend.

"Hey, look at me. I have something to tell you." I said.

"Go away. I'm busy right now." he jolted down on the paper, not looking at me.

He was writing lyrics for his own composed song. He's so talented in music. He can sing, can write his own song and even can play guitar. God, he's so perfect. I waited for him until he finished writing. Sitting beside him, I looked at his beautiful hand gracefully holding the pencil. I looked at his face in awe. He looked so cute when he focused.

Few minutes later, he's done. Reread what he wrote, he smiled, satisfied with the choices of words he made. But his eyes still on the paper. I knew he tried to ignore me. Not today dear.

"I like you." I said, confident in my voice.

He dropped his pencil. He looked at me. His jaws dropped. He's blushing. Fuck! He's so cute! I mentally screamed, looking at his pink cheeks.

"Stop fooling around. It's not funny okay." he said.

"I'm serious. I really like you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I replied.

"Fuck off." he grabbed his belonging and leave me.

"Hey! At least answer my question." I chased him.

Reaching his side, I looked at him. He's smiling. His face was like a tomato right now.

"So?" I stopped in front of him.

"Yes stupid." he looked at me, grinning and then ran away.

I dropped my jaws. Didn't expect to be these easy. After I'd processed what just happened, I turned my head, looking at he's running. With his short legs, he didn't go that far actually.

"JIHOON!" I screamed, gaining attention from people around me.


Laying on the bed, I looked at Jihoon playing his guitar. He looked so calm whenever he played it. Like he's in his own world, away from any harm. He told me that school and his parents gave him stress. School was normal for me if you're stress about it. But his parents were quite serious. They're never exactly home. Always so busy chasing money. Whenever they're home, rarely, they would tell Jihoon how much they wanted him to get a good grade at school so that he could be a successful person like them. Yeah, rarely at home, rarely spend time with family. What a successful person they were. I wondered how they even got Jihoon in the first place. Their life were just work and work. How they even have sex in the first place?

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