Chapter 29

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"I met him before. And he didn't wear his ring. Did something happened?" he added.

"Wonwoo... Jihoon is dead." Seungcheol responded.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"I-I really met him before. We t-talked." Wonwoo widened his eyes.

They all looked at him, confused. It finally hit the boy. Everything make sense to Wonwoo now. Jihoon was actually never there the whole time, just his spirit. That's why they didn't even bothered the boy at all. But why they didn't say anything everything he mentioned the boy's name? Why Jihoon followed them around? Why did Jihoon lured Hoshi into the forest? Many questions passed through Wonwoo's mind right now.

"I think it's time to tell them." Mingyu whispered at Wonwoo. The latter nodded.

"Guys, I have something to tell you." Wonwoo fiddling his fingers.

"It's the reason all these happened."

"I-I...I can see ghost." Wonwoo looked down. He afraid that they might leave him.

They all widened their eyes. Too dumbfound to speak a word. Should they believe what Wonwoo said? Proof? They just witnessed a fight between Wonwoo and a demon.

"I believe him. He proved it to me. But I don't think he can prove it to you guys." Mingyu spoke, looking at Wonwoo.

"I think the incident in the forest was the proof." Seungcheol replied.

"But how did you know that Hoshi was in the forest?" Joshua asked.

"Let me tell you from the beginning." Wonwoo answered. He took a deep breath.

"At the age nine, I discovered that I can see ghost. Since then, I went around telling people that I saw 'hideous man'. And that was my mistake. They didn't believe me. So they called me a liar, attention seeker. All my friends avoided me because their parents didn't want their children to have a friend that was a liar. Since then, I was alone. That's why I called it a curse. Everyday, I witnessed murder, suicide, everything and I hate it. But the 'things' keep showing me." Wonwoo rubbed the back of his neck. They all gave their fullest attention to the boy.

"My parents couldn't bear it anymore, hearing their son being call liar. So when I was 15, my family moved here and my parents gave me warning about it. So I isolated myself. I think that if I don't have friends, then my secret will be save. But my...ability only got stronger day by day. Something weird always happen to me every 13th day after my birthday. I have something attach to my body, I called it smoke. It's white. It somehow like a protection to me. The 'things' have smoke too but it's black instead. I think that if my smoke is bigger than them, then I'm stronger than them something like that. Because they always avoided me." Wonwoo took a stick and pokes the fire with it. He continued.

"Sometimes I would dream about something that felt so real. And I remember every single detail of it. After what happened today, I think that it somehow show me future. Like it trying to give me a message. And that's how I met Mingyu." he looked at the boy.

"I was in an abandoned school in one of the dream. It seems like our school. In the dream, Mingyu approached the 'thing' and touched it. And it vanished into dust. After that we ran together out of the dream. Then, Mingyu moved into our school. I was so dumbfounded by him because he has a smoke like me but bigger. He once protected me from a demon that wanted to take my body. I never knew that we would end up together." Wonwoo held Mingyu's hand.

"Remember when I passed out for three days?" they all nodded.

"It's because I was inside a dream in a forest. The forest looked exactly the same with the forest we entered. I think I lost inside it. That's why I couldn't wake up. The dream is something that I can't control. It just happened whenever it wanted. The reason why I knew that Hoshi was inside the forest is because I dreamed about him the night before. He's being tied to a tree. And the 'thing' was blocking him from me. Actually, it's my first time encountered with a demon like that. I always ignored them or avoided them because I don't want to cause any trouble. So, I don't know how I could beat that demon." Wonwoo let out a heavy sigh. He felt relieved.

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