Chapter 8

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Standing in front of his house, Wonwoo nervously played with the hem of his sweater. They were planning to go to watch a new movie that came out recently. A horror movie which was weird that Wonwoo actually hated any movies with the genre horror in it. He always thought that the makeup that was applied to the artist that became the ghost was too much. To Wonwoo, the movie ghosts and the 'real one' were quite different. Actually, the real one was not as possessive or in other words crazy as the ghost in the movie. Imagine, watching a horror movie and the ghost came out on the screen but at the same time, the real one was literally standing in front of the screen. Didn't know whether to feel awkward or funny?

The sound of the engine brought Wonwoo back from the daydream. A car in front of him and the window went down. And Wonwoo's heart flipped. Mingyu. Can he stop being so goddamn good-looking for a second? Did he know that my heart can't accept too much? Wonwoo thought to himself.

Wearing sunglasses, Mingyu poked his head out of the window. The evening sunlight flashed through his tanned skin making it shine a bit. Wonwoo froze, amazed by the beauty he just witnessed. Compared to Mingyu, Wonwoo was too predictable. A black sweater, black ripped jeans, gray converse and for accessories, a black watch, and a silver bracelet that he got on his 16th birthday. Approaching the car, Wonwoo sat at the passenger side. Sitting beside Mingyu gave him a better view of the latter. White shirt not fully buttoned exposing a red t-shirt underneath, denim ripped jeans, red converse, and accessories, the silver necklace accompanied with a black bracelet and white watch. Is he a human? Wonwoo asked to himself, almost drooling, almost.

"Nervous about the date?" Mingyu took off his sunglasses, winking at Wonwoo.

"For a thousandth time, this is not a date. I just don't want to watch the movie alone." Wonwoo rolling his eyes.

"Funny because for someone that can see ghosts, you don't want to watch it all by yourself."

"It's boring to watch alone. I'm not afraid, are you?"


Wonwoo eyed Mingyu suspiciously. He really could catch the stutter in the latter's voice. Before he could ask again, Mingyu shoved a candy inside his mouth. And their journey began... to the cinema.


Standing in the line, Wonwoo could felt that Mingyu was tensed by the way he fidgeting around. Chuckling a bit, he shook his head.

"If you don't want to watch this then it's okay. We can choose another movie." Wonwoo said.

"I'm not a coward. I can watch it. I think it's you that don't want to watch it."

Wonwoo sighed and looked down, pointing at Mingyu's hands. Slightly shaking. Mingyu folded his arms, hiding the shakiness.

"It's okay. You have me. If you're scared, I'm right beside you." Wonwoo said, trying to be protective. Mingyu just shrugged.

"(movie name) for two adults please." Wonwoo said to the worker.

"Okay. (movie name), two adults, seven p.m. Would you like to take the couple seats? Only have to add 10 dollars more." the worker said.

"No-yes." they said at the same time.

Wonwoo looked at the boy beside him, narrowing his eyes. He was on a budget but here Mingyu tried to burn his money. Mingyu gave a slight smile.

"We take the couple's seat." Mingyu said to the worker.

There were 30 minutes left before the movie started so they wandered around a bit. Wonwoo showed a bit of grumpiness and folded his arms.

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