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Special chapter for our birthday boy, Kim Mingyu, the puppy. 

I got this idea when Wonwoo gave Mingyu a sexy dance for his birthday and I feel like, yeah why the fuck not. even though this chapter had nothing related to sexy dance but still, enjoy. and please meet Jisoo after this to cleanse our souls together. 

Now, the story.


Running into their shared apartment, Wonwoo closed the door and leaned on it. What am I doing? He asked himself. Today was his boyfriend's birthday. So, he wanted to do something special for the latter. Something different because he really wanted to surprise Mingyu. And since they were now in the college and away from their parents, Wonwoo thought of something naughty would make the birthday boy happy. But since he didn't know how, he searched for his friend who was good at it, Jeonghan. In the morning, around 10 a.m., after Mingyu went to his part-time job, Wonwoo called his friend, the long-haired boy and asked for help.

He told Jeonghan about his plan on finding something naughty and Jeonghan instantly agreed with it and told Wonwoo to meet at the cafe in one hour. Wonwoo had four hours before Mingyu finished with his shift so he followed what Jeonghan said, made their bedroom's atmosphere felt romantic. He somehow felt nervous and scared about what would Jeonghan bring to him. Jeonghan might look like an angel but don't be fool by that face, he actually was a devil in disguise. Around 50 minutes later, he started to go to the meeting place, the café.

Wonwoo was early so he sat at a table almost at the end of the café, nervously waiting for his friend to arrive. A few minutes later, he received a pat from behind. He turned around and found Jeonghan and Seungkwan grinned devilishly at him. They both sat in front of him, the grin still was on their faces.

"Why you two smiling like that?" Wonwoo asked.

"Hehe... I guarantee Mingyu gonna like his present." Jeonghan said and placed a black small bag on the table.

Wonwoo looked at the bag and at his friends. He reached for the bag and started to open it but Seungkwan prevented him.

"Yah, don't open it now." Seungkwan said while looking around.

"What's in this bag?" Wonwoo asked while gently pinching the bag, feeling the mysterious thing inside it.

"Why I feel like a cat's ears?" he asked again after he figured the shape of the thing. A cat's ears and something like a piece of fabric at the bottom of the bag.

"You will find out later at home. Hope I got the right size for you." Jeonghan said.

"For me? I thought it is for Mingyu." Wonwoo asked, frowning a bit.

"Well, with this, you will become the present for your boyfriend. You want something naughty right? So here you are." Seungkwan chuckled.

Jeonghan started to tell Wonwoo his plan on how to celebrate Mingyu's birthday. He won't let Wonwoo opened the bag until he reached home. And when he reached their apartment, Wonwoo just had to wear it like usual and also wore the biggest hoodie that Mingyu had, only. When he heard the word 'only', Wonwoo frowned.

"Trust me. Mingyu will go crazy on you when he sees you in this." Jeonghan said.

"See me in what?!" Wonwoo almost shouted.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked again.

"I did it to Seungcheol before. And dear lord, I lost count on how many rounds we have." Jeonghan said and giggled.

Hearing that, Wonwoo's face turned bright red. He started to regret asking for his friend's opinion. With that, they all started to retreat home and Wonwoo had around two hours and a half left. During the walk, he still couldn't get rid the feeling of curiosity of wanting to know what was inside the bag he was holding right now. So, he stopped and looked around, making sure that no one was around him. Cautiously, he opened the bag. He found a cat's ears like how he found out before and he grabbed the fabric thing at the bottom of the bag. His eyes widened when he looked at it. a piece of black underwear but it looked kinda weird. Wonwoo never saw something like that before. He shoved it back into the bag and ran to his apartment, face all red.

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