Chapter 28

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~Hoshi's POV~

A ray of sunlight passed through the window and hit my eyes woke me up. Rubbing my eyes slowly, I looked around. I'm on the shared bed with Chan in the chalet. Was that just a dream? On my side, Chan was scrolling through his phone.

"Chan." I called.

He raised his head and looked at me with widen eyes. Jolted his body facing me, his hands were all over my face. His face full with concern.

"Hyung! Thank God you're awake. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Did something happened?"

"You don't remember anything?" he looked at me confused.

"No. Did I miss something?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Hyung..." he gulped.

"You were found unconscious in the forest this morning." he said.

"We went and searched for you. You're in the forest the whole night." he added.

"What?!" I checked my body. No scratches or wounds.

"Tell me what happened?" I demanded for answer.

"I don't know how to tell you but Wonwoo hyung will explain everything tonight during campfire." he shrugged.

I sighed defeated. What happened to me?


~No one POV~

Later that night after dinner, the twelve boys gathered around the fire that have been prepared by Seungcheol. Staring at each other, no one started a conversation, didn't know what to say at all. Awkward silence filled between them. It's their first time being these quiet.

Wonwoo took a deep breath, he cleared his throat, gaining everyone attention. It's time, for him to tell them their secret. His palms were sweating. What if they don't accept you? His mom's words slipped into his mind. He gulped. Looking at clueless Hoshi, he spoke.

"Hoshi, how you feel right now?"

"Fine, I guess. Can someone tell me what just happened today?" he asked a bit frustrated.

"Last night, you didn't come back to your chalet. Later in the morning, Chan came to me and told me about it. I asked others about you but they didn't see you at all. But when I asked Wonwoo, he told us to prepare to get into the forest." Jeonghan answered.

"We didn't know what to do so we just followed him into the forest." Joshua continued.

"In the forest, Wonwoo told us to be strong. We didn't know what he meant by that. But shit happened. And I thought we're almost lost our life." Jeonghan said.

"We encountered with a...demon." Seungcheol was not sure with what just slipped through his mouth. Hoshi snapped his head at the boy.

"Then Wonwoo kinda had a fight with that demon. He said that the demon had captured you. I thought he gonna lose the battle but not. He made it and when the demon gone, I saw you laid unconscious under a tree trunk. We grabbed you and then the rescuers found us. Seriously, I don't what kind of shit that Wonwoo is dealing with and I think we all need some explanation." Seungcheol looked at Wonwoo. They all turned their eyes to Wonwoo.

"What made you go into the forest?" Wonwoo asked Hoshi.

"I-I saw...him." Hoshi looked down. He knew his friends would hate it if he talked about the boy.

"Saw who?" Wonwoo pushed his question.

"I saw Jihoon..." Hoshi answered, lowering his head.

"We don't talk about him anymore remember?" Seungcheol snapped.

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