Chapter 14

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Closing the door, they looked at each other. Slowly walking down the staircase, they approached the dining table. His mom came out of the kitchen and they immediately dropped their head simultaneously. Sitting beside each other, they devoured the breakfast.

"Eat slowly kids. The food not gonna go anywhere." Wonwoo's mom stated, sipping her coffee.

"S-sorry." Mingyu choked on his food. Grabbing the drink, he continued to eat.

"About last night..." His mom paused. The boys tensed.

She looked at the two. Something weird is happening here. She thought. Sitting straight, she observed them. A red mark on Mingyu's neck. She was about to ask about it but she decided to brush it off.

"Why you two came home late and soaked?"

"I wanted to play in the rain. You know bringing back childhood time." Wonwoo replied.

"Wonwoo." the mentioned boy stopped eating. He knew what would happen next.

"Are you hiding something from me?" His mom asked in a stern voice.

Wonwoo sighed. He knew he could lie to someone else but not his mom. Gathered up courage, he took a deep breath. Standing up, he took Mingyu's hand, signaling the boy to follow him.

"Mom." Wonwoo looked straight into his mom's eyes.

"This is Kim Mingyu. My boyfriend..." Wonwoo sounded weak at the end. A bit terrified. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, shocked. His mom's expression softened. She smiled.

"Sit down." She said.

Silence took place. His mom just stared at them both while the two just looked down, nervous.

"Who confessed first?" She asked.

"W-what?" Wonwoo was taken back by the question. Same with Mingyu.

"Who confessed first?" She repeated, smiling softly.

"Me." her son answered.

"Looks like I lose the bet." she said, reaching out her phone.

"Mom?" Wonwoo called his mother.

"You're not mad?"

"Wonwoo... I'm your mom. Why would I be mad? I know it since we were at Mingyu's house. We both know it. The way you look at each other. It's tell everything." His mom said.

"So you're okay with our relationship?" Mingyu asked, finally let out a sound.

"Your mom and I even made a bet whether you or Wonwoo would confess first. Am I not okay with it?" she answered, chuckling.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon!" Mingyu stood up and bowed.

"Just call me mom. No need to be formal."

"Okay. Thank you, mom!"

"Yeah, thank you, mom." Wonwoo smiled.

They continued enjoying the breakfast in silence, a good silence. Wonwoo was so happy right now. He felt like he wanted to kiss his boyfriend right away but he had to hold himself.

"So... can I know what happen with that?" she spoke, pointing at their necks.

They both stopped eating and covered the marks at the same time. Looking at his mom, Wonwoo gulped.

"I-I can explain." Mingyu said.

"It's not like what you think. We didn't do anything." Wonwoo interrupted.

"Take it slow though. No need to rush. You both just 18. Now pose something cute together. I need to send it to your mother." she took out her phone and directed toward them.

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