Chapter 7

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Entering the house, Wonwoo closed the door as gently as he could, preventing any noise to produce. Tiptoed slowly to the stair straight to his room. At the fifth staircase, someone grabbed his hand. Jumped a bit, he almost lost his balance while turning around. His mom. Wonwoo held his breath, staring into her eyes. His mom returned the favor but with a soft gaze. She pulled him into a hug.

"Please...please don't make me worried like this." she said, resting her forehead at Wonwoo's shoulder. Her voice shaking a bit.

"So-Sorry..." Wonwoo returned the hug.

"What happened?" his mom asked.

The question caught Wonwoo off guard. How should he tell his mother? Yeah, a fire face demon just trying to kill me. Then I fainted and luckily my friend was there so he brought me to his house. After that, I told him my secret. He a bit freaked out though. So here I am, alive, barely. Sorry but he didn't intend to make his mom had a heart attack so instead of answering, he blinking at his mother. He could fool others but not his mom.

"Wonwoo..." she looked at her son.

"I told one of my friends my secret." Wonwoo looked down. Maybe he could tell that part but not the part at the park though.

"Then?" his mom a bit shocked.

"He said he believe me but I don't know."

"Can he keep it as his secret?"

"I'm not sure."

"Then if something happened, you know what will we do right?"

"But... but I don't want to move out again."

"And let people know your secret? What if they did something bad to you?"

"But-but Mingyu is same like me too, almost."

"What are you talking about?" his mom froze.

Wonwoo awkwardly playing with the hem of his sweater. Telling about Mingyu would only leaded to that 'fire face' and he really didn't want his mom to know about that. He had to think quickly. Told his mom about Mingyu but without including the 'fire face'. She dragged him to the couch in the living room.

"Tell me."

Taking a deep breath, Wonwoo started,

"His name is Kim Mingyu. He lives a few blocks from here. He's a new student in my class. Remember the dream I told about my school?" his mom nodded. Wonwoo continued.

"I saw him in that dream. Then, when we met for the first time, I could already saw that he had a white smoke just like me but bigger. I want to ask him but don't know how so I brought him to the place where the dream happened, in a corridor. He remembered the corridor but he couldn't see 'things' like me." Wonwoo stopped. This was where the 'fire face' came.

"And-and today he gains my trust so... I told him my secret. I-I was at his house the whole day." Wonwoo looked down. He just lied to his mom. He felt so guilty right now. She sighed.



Keeping his eyes until Wonwoo entered the house, Mingyu let out a sigh. What just happened? Was Wonwoo telling the truth? But he really saw the 'thing' when Wonwoo showed it to him. Mingyu was so confused right now. Starting the car again, he went home.

Arriving at his house, he is greeted by his mom. Worried still on her face.

"So?" she asked.

"So what?" Mingyu shrugged.

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