Chapter 20

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Slowly opened his eyes, Wonwoo groaned. His head spinning like crazy. Turning to his side, he found his boyfriend was sleeping beside him under the blanket. Mingyu? When did he come? Raising the blanket a bit, Wonwoo found out that they both naked. What did we just do? His head decided to have a strike again. He hissed in pain.


Wonwoo looked at Mingyu. The boy rubbed his eye. Looking at each other eyes, Mingyu crashed their lips together. Getting on top of the latter, he kissed Wonwoo deeply. The boy placed his arms on Mingyu's shoulder. His lips started to go down to the neck, leaving marks.

"That was amazing." Mingyu said, looked deeply into Wonwoo's eyes.

"What amazing?"

"You just gave me the best sex I've ever had."

"What are you talking about?" Wonwoo narrowed his eyebrows.

"You don't remember?" Mingyu asked, frowned. Wonwoo shook his head.

"You called me this morning. When I entered your room, you attacked me. And that's how we have the greatest sex ever." Mingyu grinned.

"I seriously don't remember anything. Wait what time is it now?" the boy looked at the clock. 4.00 p.m. He dropped his jaws.

"Put it aside. Why your body feel so hot? Like burning." Mingyu checked Wonwoo's heat.

"Can you put me into the bathtub fill with cold water? It's worked last night."

Mingyu started to carry Wonwoo bridal style. Just like in the past, Wonwoo told the latter that he could walk but Mingyu insisted to carry him anyway. His back still sore so Mingyu had to carry him.

Mingyu placed Wonwoo gently in the bathtub. He started to fill it with water, a cold one. Wonwoo didn't tense at all. The coldness did nothing to him. Wonwoo pointed his finger at the drawer.

"There is a bath bomb inside it."

Mingyu grinned excitedly and took the bath bomb. He got inside the tub with Wonwoo rested his back on Mingyu, spooning. He put the bath bomb in the water and they watched it dissolved, amazed. Mingyu rested his chin on Wonwoo's shoulder and the boy leaned back, relaxed. Silence filled the bathroom, a good one.

"So what really happens to you?"

"I... don't know." Wonwoo stared at the ceiling.

What did really happened to him? The last thing he remembered was he went to bed and had the weirdest dream he ever had. Wait, weirdest? No. Wildest. The unfinished yet satisfying sex with his boyfriend. The dream just made him craved for Mingyu more than it already was. Am I becoming a sex addict? Wonwoo asked himself.

"What happens in the morning?" Wonwoo asked the latter.

"Um... You told me to come over. Your voice was kinda weird that time though. When I entered your room, I felt weird. It's felt hot even though you have an air conditioner. When I approached you, you suddenly grabbed me and thrown me on the bed. You're so sexy when you sat on top of me, naked and grinding. And you kept telling me to fuck you-"

"Okay stop." Wonwoo blushed hard. Wow, he really a sex addict.

"Did I do this?" he held Wonwoo's arm, looking at the pulse spots.

Wonwoo frowned. A bright red spot was on his arm. Quite big in size. Mingyu 'marked' him. It's gonna disappear in a few days right?


A few weeks past and Wonwoo felt relieved that the 'fire face' didn't show up near him ever since. He hoped that it stayed that way. He's getting closer and closer with his friends. Seungkwan the most, since the boy loved to make Wonwoo's house like his own. Rushing into the house, went straight to the kitchen to get drinks and snacks, then judging Wonwoo's existence. Apart from that, he's good though. His mom adored Seungkwan a lot. He and Mingyu agreed to turn down their sex life a little. Not too often. How hard for Wonwoo to bring that topic to Mingyu but he somehow did it. When Wonwoo told Mingyu about the dream of them both, the latter kept teasing his boyfriend. Saying that he'd become the drug to Wonwoo. Well, of course, Wonwoo agreed with that. Mingyu is a drug that he didn't care if he overdosed on.

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